On 29 March 2010 16:32, anatoly techtonik <techto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So far I haven't seen any counter arguments against _bootstrap script_
> itself. I see that the difference between "package management tool"
> and "bootstrap script" should be defined more clearly. But I do not
> know how.

You haven't been reading closely, I guess:

1. The script doesn't exist and no-one has stepped up to write it.
2. Three scripts would be required not one (pip, distribute,
setuptools were I think the 3 options mentioned) - and that goes
against the Zen "There should be one obvious way".
3. You have no consensus that this is a good idea.
4. There is no clear target version - you're insisting that this go in
2.7, even though it has been repeatedly and clearly stated that this
is impossible (3.3 is the earliest possible target for something like

And one which hasn't been mentioned yet (that I've noticed), but I'll
add for good measure:

5. You haven't explained what will happen if the target of the
bootstrap (easy_install, or whatever) is removed or otherwise becomes
unavailable, or isn't supported under whatever version of Python is
running (remember, your bootstrap script will need to still be
available at least until Python 3.6, for backward compatibility
reasons if nothing else).

I could come up with more, but these should do.

If you want this to go further, I suggest that you do the following
(all of these, don't expect anyone else to do any of them for you):

1. Write a PEP, proposing the feature, summarising the arguments for
and against as expressed in this thread, addressing all of the
objections (start with the 5 above) and suggesting a target version
for inclusion. That must be 3.3 or later.
2. Write a patch which implements the feature, including tests and
documentation. This can be against trunk. Be prepared to maintain it
over an extended period (i.e. updating it to apply cleanly as needed).
3. Persuade python-dev that the idea has merit - get consensus that
the feature should go in, and get the PEP accepted (I'd be surprised
if you can get this without Tarek's support, which you don't have yet,
so there's your starting point once 1 and 2 are done).

It might be better spending your time on these activities rather than
fanning the flames on distutils-sig in the short term...

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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