On Aug 6, 2013, at 9:10 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 7 August 2013 01:58, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
>> On Aug 6, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> One means by which I could see an f.pypi.python.org DNS record being
>>> left in place indefinitely is if the TUF folks are able to come up
>>> with a scheme for offering end-to-end security for the *existing* PyPI
>>> metadata, *and* the TUF metadata is mirrored by bandersnatch *and* the
>>> TUF client side integrity checks are invoked by pip. In that case, the
>>> security argument regarding the lack of TLS on the subdomains would be
>>> rendered moot, and the backwards compatibility argument for keeping it
>>> active would win.
>> It would be rendered moot as far as any tooling that was updated to work
>> with it (such as pip etc) however the browser level attacks would still be
>> in play. If those can be solved essentially require giving mirror operators
>> a SSL certificate for N.pypi.python.org (which still does not preclude a
>> malicious mirror operator or a compromised mirror from being used to
>> steal logins on PyPI).
> We're not talking about "mirror operators" in an abstract sense any
> more: we're talking specifically about the possibility of a formal
> relationship with Gocept to keep the f.pypi.python.org domain alive
> indefinitely.
> It isn't Gocept's fault that the upstream mirroring system design was
> broken, so the burden is on us to work with Christian to come up with
> a transition plan that is acceptable to both sides.

I recognize this. The problem is that Gocept isn't the sole user of
their mirror. If they were (or we knew the set of users who were) then
we could approach each one of them.

> That may mean retiring the subdomain and Gocept changing the
> configuration at affected sites, or it may mean Gocept negotiating a
> more formal relationship with the PSF to continue operating
> f.pypi.python.org in particular. Both options need to be on the table
> from the upstream side, giving Gocept a chance to assess the
> alternatives (i.e. change existing sites to point to a new domain, or
> accept that some existing sites will remain insecure until they have
> been upgraded, just as we have to accept that old clients will remain
> insecure when accessing the main site over HTTP).

Gocept can't make that decision for installations other than their own.
Christian said that his mirror is seeing 150-300GB of traffic besides the
traffic Gocept generates. Some of that is coming from ``pip --use-mirrors``
I'm sure, but some of it is also coming from other people who have
hardcoded f.pypi.python.org in their config for whom we don't know who
they are and we don't have a good way of informing them so they can
make an informed consent on using an insecure transport.

>>> Another potential alternative might be for Gocept to approach the PSF
>>> about getting an SSL certificate for that domain, ensuring pip and
>>> setuptools both support HSTS, and then switching that mirror over to
>>> using HSTS (so even configurations hardcoded to use
>>> http://f.pypi.python.org will still get a validated secure
>>> connection).
>> FWIW this doesn't make it secure unless they change their configuration to
>> point to https://f.pypi.python.org/simple instead of 
>> http://f.pypi.python.org/simple.*
>> Programmatic libraries typically don't support HSTS (as HSTS it primarily 
>> used
>> to prevent attacks that don't typically apply to command line clients). And 
>> certainly
>> none of the existing tools support it. So given that we'd be relying on the 
>> redirect
>> that upgrades the connection to HTTPS an attacker could simply return HTML
>> instead of the redirect to HTTPS.
> Yeah, I realised this flaw after posting. An alternative hack that
> would allow the problem to be solved through an "upgrade
> pip/easy_install" solution rather than an "ensure all configs have
> been edited" approach would be a simple URL translation map that
> converts legacy "http://f.pypi.python.org"; references to a new URL.
>> Hence why it makes sense to remove, because either way users will need to 
>> edit
>> their existing configurations if they intend to be secure and moving to a 
>> different
>> domain will prevent the in browser attacks as well.
>> * This is also true of anyone who has hard coded an url to 
>> http://pypi.python.org/simple/
>>   however there's no reasonable way to fix that.
> Hardcoded references to http://f.pypi.python.org/simple/ aren't *that*
> different from hardcoded references to the main site. The only
> addition is the inclusion of Gocept in the chain of trust. Given that
> Christian wrote the now recommended mirroring client, trusting
> Christian/Gocept is fairly unavoidable at this point :)

The main difference is hard coded references to PyPI is unlikely. The
clients defaulted to that so there was no reason to point to it in your
configuration. This is representative of the traffic we see coming into
PyPI and the decline of HTTP connections to /simple/.

> We don't have a hard deadline for fixing this on the upstream side -
> it's in the "important but not currently urgent" category. If we can
> get the active legacy mirrors down to just f.pypi.python.org that will
> be solid progress, and then we can work out a specific arrangement for
> that last mirror which works for Gocept as well.
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> -- 
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

Donald Stufft
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