Paul Moore <p.f.moore <at>> writes:

> Another one IIRC was that distlib didn't put entry-points.txt in the
> .dist-info directory in the wheel (which breaks entry points). I think
> that's fixed now (and again, the Wheel spec is silent on what is correct
> behaviour here).

Right. The recent PEP 426 updates with the "commands" key supersedes the
entry points stuff, so I'm not sure what exactly should be done here. The
distlib code uses the latest PEP information. Since wheel is moving to
pydist.json, I assume that (when it gets around to it) it will have the
relevant scripts info in pydist.json, so I haven't implemented using scripts
declared in entry_points.txt in distlib for that reason.


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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