On Jan 30, 2014, at 6:43 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 30 Jan 2014 15:27, "Donald Stufft" <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
> > I can't believe folks are unable to differentiate between the difference of
> > "It's possible to do so because we didn't actively attempt to prevent it" 
> > and
> > "This is a documented goal of the format and thus must be considered as 
> > part of
> > the backward compatibility contract that the format has whenever changes are
> > made to the format".
> Donald, there are multiple design decisions in the PEP which share a common 
> theme of zipimport compatibility, as well as an explicit statement from the 
> PEP author that the zipimport compatibility was intentional 
> (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2012-September/018960.html). 
> The flaw was that we never explicitly noted that rationale in the PEP, and so 
> people got the wrong idea both that this capability wasn't available and also 
> that it might be something that didn't need to be taken into account in the 
> future evolution of the format.
> This has resulted in two conflicting messages being presented to the 
> community in the time since the wheel format was approved: if someone asked 
> if using wheels like eggs was supported, the answer would have depended on 
> who was giving it.
> I've certainly been telling people it was deliberately designed to offer a 
> superset of egg functionality *because it was*. Daniel wrote it that way, the 
> capability was noted several times during the design discussions, I approved 
> it that way and *not once* did anyone suggest declaring that advanced users 
> should not take advantage of the zipimport compatibility that is a natural 
> consequence of the design.
> For example, at the PyCon US 2014 packaging panel last year, I state 
> explicitly that you can import things from wheel files without installing 
> them, and not one of the other panelists or attendees at the session raised 
> any objection (neither at the time, nor privately to me after the session): 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePFWp3oSfyU#t=15m40
> This particular genie got out of the bottle a long time ago, so my new FAQ in 
> the PEP was just bringing it up to speed with promises that have already been 
> made.
> > The first option is, as far as I can tell, what the PEP read as and the
> > discussion, that occurred in public at least, read as. However since the 
> > change
> > Nick made he's shifted it from the first to the second type of "supports".
> >
> > At this point I can only imagine people are being willfully ignorant because
> > they want this particular feature and don't want to have it available to be
> > discussed as per the PEP process and are actively attempting to sidestep the
> > process. I'm very explicitly trying not to argue for or against this 
> > feature,
> > although I believe it a bad idea, but instead that before we commit to
> > promising that Wheels will be zip importable by simply adding them to 
> > sys.path
> > that we *need* to discuss it and figure out what the contract we're 
> > providing
> > for that is.
> The problem with believing that we still have a choice about this topic is 
> twofold:
> - firstly, depending on who they have spoken to users may *already* have been 
> told it is supported (which includes everyone at the packaging panel last 
> year and those who watched that video since, as well as everyone that 
> directly asked either me or Daniel about it)
> - secondly, when a particular behaviour is an inevitable consequence of other 
> design decisions, then users are justified in assuming that the resulting use 
> case is supported unless it is *explicitly* disclaimed as unsupported (the 
> comparison with eggs in PEP 427 would be a very thin reed indeed to hang a 
> backwards compatibility break on)
> You're free to tell us (and the users we have communicated our intent to 
> directly) that you would *prefer* if this was not a supported usage model, 
> but there's a significant asymmetry here:
> - those of us who have always interpreted the wheel format as specifying a 
> functional superset of the egg format (which includes both Daniel as the PEP 
> author and me as the BDFL-Delegate that accepted it), want to ensure that 
> this feature is properly taken into account in any future evolution of the 
> format (including wheel 1.1)
> - you would like to retain the option of *not* honouring that promise, solely 
> because we left out that detail from the PEP itself, even though we always 
> intended it to be that way, made multiple references to the capability in 
> discussions prior to acceptance and have told multiple people (including the 
> attendees at the packaging panel at PyCon US 2013) that we intended it to be 
> that way
> I can apologise for not reviewing PEP 427 sufficiently and failing to realise 
> that this design assumption was not correctly captured, and so people that 
> would have preferred to explicitly disclaim support for this feature didn't 
> realise they needed to. However, I can also point out that all that raising 
> such objections would have done is to ensure that a clause along these lines 
> was added to the PEP in February 2013, rather than in January 2014, as both 
> Daniel and I consider this a supported feature of the wheel format.
> That said, I will also note that the wheel *format* supporting being used 
> this way is a very different question from *pip* supporting using them this 
> way. pip is an installer - it takes wheels and sdists and adds them to a 
> Python installation or virtual environment with full PEP 376 metadata. It's 
> entirely appropriate to declare "uninstalled wheels" to be out of pip's 
> scope, and I'd fully back any decision by the pip team to take that stance. 
> wheel is just a file format - not every tool that supports a format for one 
> use case needs to support *all* the use cases of that format. If people want 
> to write tools to make it easier to run directly from a wheelhouse, they can 
> do that - that's a very different use case from installation, one that gets 
> back closer to the original easy_install model and one that would be better 
> addressed by tools dedicated specifically to the task.
> Regards,
> Nick.

Yea I've tried to respond to this about 5 times without being a dick and I
can't. So whatever I give up. Now I need to go figure out how to make my
projects bomb out under zip import since Wheel has managed to be worse than
Egg and not even provide a way to disclaim support for it.

Donald Stufft
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