On 6 May 2014 08:48, "Marcus Smith" <qwc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In the custom RPM case, the PEP 440 "local version" and the leading
numeric portion of the RPM "release" should *still* be the same (just as
they should be for distro packages), but you'd choose a different local
version/RPM release value based on how you wanted the ordering to be
handled relative to other RPMs - it wouldn't be governed by any Python
level policy.
>> However, I'm wondering if the rules for local version identifiers should
be relaxed to allow arbitrary alphanumeric subcomponents in the integrator
suffix. The RPM release field allows things like "0.git.15.abcdefabc" - I'd
really like to be able to publish that as the "local version" in the Python
>> From Barry's description of the "2ubuntu3" style suffixes used when
Ubuntu includes patches Debian doesn't, a more permissive integrator suffix
would also help in the Debian/Ubuntu ecosystem.
> yea, if you recall, at one point that idea was ".localN", then it
switched to "-N"
> the switch seemed to be in this post where Donald references a discussion
with Noah.
> wondering if alphanumerics were intentionally excluded, or just not
considered given the context at the time was about ".localN" vs "-N"

I don't recall making a conscious decision - I think I just copied the
existing restrictions for "Version" without accounting for the fact the
version constraints are all defined to ignore the local version information


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