Your might want to consider conda and conda environments for this.

It provides a single packaging solution for both python and
dependencies. And there are probably already recipes for everything
you need.


> On Sep 3, 2014, at 3:24 AM, Reinout van Rees <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm investigating some options for making our servers a bit more neat. Basic 
> problem: lots of what we do needs mapnik, numpy, gdal, psycopg2 and so. 
> Python libraries with C code and system dependencies.
> All of them have ubuntu packages, but especially for gdal we sometimes need a 
> newer version. A PPA can help here, but I thought "a wheel could be nice, 
> too".
> System packages? Yes, we use buildout with "syseggrecipe". You pass 
> syseggrecipe a bunch of packages ("mapnik, gdal"), it looks up those packages 
> in the OS and installs them in buildout's "develop-eggs/" directory. Works 
> quite well. Isolation + selective use of system packages.
> Two questions:
> a) If I use ubuntu packages, I'll have to run pip/virtualenv with 
> --system-site-packages. "pip install numpy" will find the global install just 
> fine. But "pip freeze" will give me all site packages' versions, which is not 
> what I want.
> => is there a way to *selectively* use such a system package in an 
> otherwise-isolated virtualenv?
> b) Making a bunch of wheels seems like a nice solution. Then you can just use 
> a virtualenv and "pip install numpy gdal psycopg2...".  But how do you 
> differentiate between ubuntu versions? Not every wheel will work with both 
> 12.04 and 14.04, I'd say. But both ubuntu versions will have the same 
> "linux_x86_64" tag.
> => What is the best way to differentiate here? Separate company-internal 
> "wheelhouse" per ubuntu version? Custom tags?
> Reinout
> --
> Reinout van Rees                
> "Learning history by destroying artifacts is a time-honored atrocity"
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