Donald Stufft <> writes:

> > On Jan 17, 2015, at 7:47 PM, Ben Finney <> wrote:
> > As it stands (‘python-daemon’ [0] version 2.0.3), the ‘’ file
> > is correctly included in the source distribution, correctly used by the
> > ‘egg_info.writers’ entry point; but then ends up incorrectly installed
> > to the run-time packages library. This causes problems for subsequent
> > import of unrelated modules that happen to share the same name.
> > 
> > How can I specify to Setuptools that the file is needed in the source
> > distribution, is needed by the entry points for Setuptools, but should
> > not be installed along with the binary distribution?
> setup_requires?

Did you want to say anything else about that, for instance, how it
applies to the question or what specifically you suggest I do?

As it stands, I can only quote the documentation:


    A string or list of strings specifying what other distributions need
    to be present in order for the setup script to run. […]


The module in question is part of the same code base, and is not an
“other distribution”. So I don't know why you suggest this option.

 \      “Every valuable human being must be a radical and a rebel, for |
  `\      what he must aim at is to make things better than they are.” |
_o__)                                                      —Niels Bohr |
Ben Finney

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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