Donald Stufft <> writes:

> I’m pretty sure that find_packages is going to discover and
> add it as part of the return value which is then passing that to the
> packages kwarg.

That doesn't match the documentation for ‘find_packages’:

    find_packages() walks the target directory, filtering by inclusion
    patterns, and finds Python packages (any directory).
    the find_packages() function returns a list of package names
    suitable for use as the packages argument to setup() […]


That and other language in that document strongly imply that packages
are the only things found by ‘find_packages’.

The ‘’ module is not within any package, so I infer that
‘find_packages’ should ignore it. Is that wrong?

 \      “Two rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything |
  `\                                            you know.” —Sassan Tat |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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