Okay. Thanks (and Oscar too). I'm not really that great at C and compiled stuff 
so I wasn't sure if it would have any negative effects like that.  Seems like a 
reasonable change. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 11, 2015, at 11:07 AM, Steve Dower <steve.do...@python.org> wrote:
> Yes. SSE never makes it into the module ABI, it's just an implementation 
> concern. (I believe it may be used across function/module boundaries 
> internally when the compiler can prove that it's inaccessible from the 
> outside - a more space effective form of inlining.)
> There will be some 3.5.0-built wheels that won't work on some machines 
> running 3.5.1 without SSE, and some wheels will see a performance decrease 
> when built with 3.5.1 vs 3.5.0 (but not compared to 3.4). These latter ones 
> weren't expecting the perf increase anyway, so compatibility is likely there 
> biggest concern.
> This does only affect 32-bit builds, so now I'm thinking about the 
> possibility of treating those as highly compatible while the 64-bit ones get 
> better performance treatment, though I'm not sure how that could actually 
> play out. It may help remove some of the questions about which one to use 
> though.
> Cheers,
> Steve
> Top-posted from my Windows Phone
> From: Donald Stufft
> Sent: ‎10/‎11/‎2015 7:31
> To: Steve Dower
> Cc: distutils-sig; Laura Creighton
> Subject: Re: [Distutils] warning about potential problem for wheels
> Will something built against 3.5.0 with SSE work on 3.5.1 without SSE? What 
> about the inverse?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 11, 2015, at 10:17 AM, Steve Dower <steve.do...@python.org> wrote:
>> An extra data point is that we've had exactly one report of Python 3.5 not 
>> working due to lack of SSE, and that person was also on Windows XP (so zero 
>> reports on supported platforms).
>> That said, I should probably just fix 3.5.1 to not use SSE for core or 
>> distutils builds. I doubt there was a huge performance increase due to it 
>> (mainly in memcpy I'd assume).
>> Cheers,
>> Steve
>> Top-posted from my Windows Phone
>> From: Nathaniel Smith
>> Sent: ‎10/‎10/‎2015 16:11
>> To: Laura Creighton
>> Cc: distutils-sig
>> Subject: Re: [Distutils] warning about potential problem for wheels
>> On Oct 10, 2015 3:37 PM, "Laura Creighton" <l...@openend.se> wrote:
>> >
>> > In a message of Sat, 10 Oct 2015 21:52:58 -0000, Oscar Benjamin writes:
>> >
>> > >Really this is just a case of an unsupported platform. It's unfortunate
>> > >that CPython doesn't properly support this hardware but I think it's
>> > >reasonable that if you have to build your interpreter from source then you
>> > >have to build your extension modules as well.
>> >
>> > Alas that there is no easy way to detect.  The situation I am
>> > imagining is where the administrators of a school build pythons for
>> > the students to run on their obsolete hardware, and then the poor
>> > students don't understand why pip doesn't work.  But I suppose we
>> > will just get to deal with that problem when and if it happens.
>> In case some numbers help: the numerical community has been tracking the 
>> deployment of SSE2 to decide when to switch over for numpy/scipy builds, and 
>> at this point what I hear is:
>> - ~0.5% of Firefox crashes are on machines that are missing SSE2
>> - <0.1% of machines with Steam installed are missing SSE2
>> I'm not sure what python distributions like Anaconda or Activestate are 
>> doing wrt SSE2, but even if their builds do require SSE2 then their build 
>> tooling might provide a quick way to generate a whole installable 
>> environment with custom build options for targeting older systems. 
>> (Continuum as of today still hasn't released build scripts for the bottom of 
>> their stack -- python/numpy/etc. -- but they've claimed willingness to do so 
>> and there's increasing calls to make a "centos" version of Anaconda. And all 
>> the tooling beyond that -- e.g. the actual package manager -- is FOSS.)
>> -n
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