On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 9:54 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:

> > IS that the case:
> > """
> > Note that my recently retired computer was 64 bit and had SSE but didn't
> > have SSE2 (I'm fairly sure - CPU was some budget AMD model)
> > """
> >
> > granted, such machines are probably really really rare, but maybe it does
> > matter for 64 bit, too?
> Unless I'm mistaken, SSE2 is part of the spec for x86-64 (spec which
> was originally devised by AMD), so I'm a bit skeptical about a
> SSE2-less 64-bit CPU.  Do you have any reference?

That was a quote from this thread... I have no idea beyond that.

> > > does this even matter?
> > > 32-bit builds on x86 generally bring you poorer performance by
> > > themselves,
> >
> > If a user has a 32 bit machine, they have no choice -- we could argue
> that
> > anyone for whom performance matters probably isn't running an old, cheap
> > machine, but still...
> The actual question is whether we want to introduce a significant
> amount of complexity and overhead for packagers and distributors, for
> the benefit of an extremely small users demography that will probably
> disappear altogether in a couple of years.

Actually, I thought you were advocating the opposite:

SSE2 on 64bit -- cause 64 bit machines without SSE2 are really rare, if
they exist at all.

no SSE2 on 32 bit -- because anyone to whom performance really matters
won't be running an old 32bit machine.

Seems reasonable to me.



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