> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Robert T. McGibbon <rmcgi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> > These are all X11, yes? pretty much any workstation will have these,
>> but in general, servers won't.
>> >
>> > Someone on this thread suggested that that's OK -- don't expect a GUI
>> package to work on a linux box without a GUI. But some of these libs might
>> get used for stuff like back-end rendering, etc, so would be expected to
>> work on a headless box. I think Anaconda an Canopy have gotten away with
>> this because both of their user bases are primarily desktop data analysis
>> type of stuff -- not web services, web servers, etc.
>> I can only speak for myself and my team, but we use Anaconda on servers
>> on a daily basis, including with libraries like matplotlib to generate
>> images that are displayed over a web service.
>> I believe this is a pretty common use case, especially with popular apps
>> like Jupyter servers.
> yup -- and Bokeh -- getting more popular -- do you put X11 on your servers?

Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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