On Jan 27, 2016 09:18, "Donald Stufft" <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 2016, at 12:00 PM, David Cournapeau <courn...@gmail.com>
>> So now, one could argue that it is not the community's job to tackle old
OS, and they would be right, but:
> We can make a data driven decision here.
> Here is the top 100 *nix OSs that are downloading files from PyPI using a
version of pip >= 6.0. Any version of pip older than that and we don’t have
insight into what they are (we can get kernel version if they’re using pip
>= 1.4) and any installer other than that we don’t get any insight into

Is the kernel version table you mentioned trivial to get? I bet it's very
closely correlated with glibc version.

> One problem of course is deciding how representative only people who are
using pip >= 6.0 is, though since we can’t get manylinux support into
already released versions of pip it may be pretty representative of people
who will use this feature (unless this feature causes people to upgrade
their pip when they wouldn’t otherwise).
> Anyways, here’s the data:

One short summary: "wow, there are a ton of Debian 6 users out there". Esp.
considering that even Debian unstable isn't shipping pip 6.0 yet. (Or who
knows, I guess that could just be one very heavy user.)

> It doesn’t matter to me if we use CentOS5 or CentOS6 as our base, but
having some information to inform our choices is never a bad thing!


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