> On Jun 23, 2017, at 6:44 AM, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> writes:
>> […] rewrite PyPI in order to solve a lot of long standing problems.
>> For those who aren't aware, that is currently available at
>> https://pypi.org/
> Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this to fruition!
>> For a awhile now, Python, setuptools, and twine have all defaulted to
>> using this new code base for uploading artifacts to PyPI.
> Where can we find the exact versions of each that default to ‘pypi.org’
> for uploads?

Umm. Twine 1.8.0, Python 3.4.6, 3.5.3, 3.6.0, Not sure on 2.7, the Github 
interface seems to be broken and not listing the tags for that one.

Essentially it was committed 11 months ago and whatever releases came after 

>> [‘pypi.org’] uses the same database that "Legacy" PyPI does, so the
>> two are essentially just different views over the same data.
> At what point does the big red warning banner (“ This is a
> pre-production deployment of Warehouse.”) come down?

Roughly whenever we have Warehouse hosted in a place that can handle that 
30-40tb/month that Rackspace says our origin servers receive that would come 
Warehouse’s way at that point. PyPI is massively read heavy to an absurd 
degree, so the traffic from uploads is relatively small compared to the traffic 
from downloads, and currently Warehouse is not hosted in a way to handle our 
read traffic.

The other thing the banner accomplishes is to provide warning that you may see 
weirdness in the UI (for example, hardcoded demo data etc) and to indicate that 
this is normal and please don’t file bugs for it.

> What is the cross-over period: ‘pypi.org’ as the primary recommendation,
> while ‘pypi.python.org’ continues to work?

I’m not sure what specifically you’re asking here? Are you looking for how long 
they’re both going to remain active or the process we’re going to migrate 
things over with? Or something else?

Donald Stufft

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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