On 5/7/18 at 8:48 AM, car...@pythiac.com (Carles Sala Cladellas) pronounced:

But then I came across this, https://stackoverflow.com/a/28842733, which
recommends using a `dev` entry in `extras_require` and then using `pip
install -e .[dev]` to install them, which could be easily extended to
also have a `pip install -e .[test]`.

We use setup.py for Pyramid.

Using just setup.py is a common practice going back a long time. It's the first method I learned in Python.

We use `pip install -e .[docs]` to install documentation building requirements. "If it ain't documented, it's broken." We also use a pip requirements file (rtd.txt) to build our docs on Read The Docs. RTD effectively does a `pip install -e .[docs]` using that file. So setup.py and pip requirements files can be complementary, not mutually exclusive.


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Steve Piercy              Website Builder              Eugene, OR
<w...@stevepiercy.com>               <http://www.stevepiercy.com/>
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