On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 08:48:23AM +0200, Carles Sala Cladellas wrote:
> Hello here!
> TL;DR: Should I use requirements.txt, or should I have my dependencies only
> listed inside setup.py?

Short answer: only setup.py, unless you find a reason to also use a

Long answer:
and especially https://caremad.io/posts/2013/07/setup-vs-requirement/

> But then I came across this, [1]https://stackoverflow.com/a/28842733, which
> recommends using a `dev` entry in `extras_require` and then using `pip install
> -e .[dev]` to install them, which could be easily extended to also have a `pip
> install -e .[test]`.
> I find this a very clean option, since it reduces the amount of files the
> repository and makes setup.py and makes setup.py self-contained.
> Are any known drawbacks to this approach? Is it a good way to go?

I like it.  It works nicely for me.

It's not 100% complete approach: sometimes (when I'm working on an
application rather than a tool/library) I also wish to have a list of
concrete version pins with which the application has been known to work,
so I use pip freeze (or pip-tools) to get a requirements.txt with all
the frozen versions.

Marius Gedminas
Everyone generalizes from one example.  At least, I do.
        -- Steven Brust

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