I would emphasize that setup.py is the way to go.  Requirements.txt was only 
ever intended to be a way for a developer to provide a dependency chain so that 
other developers could duplicate the environment if necessary.  Today's common 
usage was never originally intended.

The `extras_require` that you have discovered is an excellent way of 
segregating non-installation-required dependencies.  On some of my projects, I 
have built up the following "standard" extras:

    * all - this is programmatically defined as every dependency including the 
package itself
    * dev - this is programmatically defined as every dependency excluding the 
packge itself
    * test - all testing dependencies  (i.e pytest, coverage, etc.)
    * docs - all documentation dependences (i.e. sphinx)

For onboarding, I typically just then tell someone to use `-e .[all]` for 
setting up a development environment.
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