Bert, it sounds like you have a Code of Conduct complaint about a PyPA-
maintained project -- may I formally pass that along to all of the
pipenv maintainers per 
for followup and ask for more specific details? You can let me know on-
list or offlist.--
Sumana Harihareswara
Changeset Consulting

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018, at 9:34 PM, Bert JW Regeer wrote:
>> On Sep 20, 2018, at 16:30, Dan Ryan <> wrote:
>> Pipenv also uses pip as mentioned several times in the thread, and
>> (reiterating here) the entire point of the conversation is about how
>> both can work together on changes. That is the thrust of the whole
>> discussion. We are actively using pip via its internals and pips
>> developers (who _actively develop pip_) would like us to an alternate
>> approach.>> 
>> The discussion is about how to find one and then contribute it back
>> to pip. Nobody is discontinuing work on pip, nobody is splitting from
>> pip, and I would prefer if we could refrain from trying to spread
>> this kind of inaccurate picture.> 
> Wait, what? How did my apparently misunderstanding of what "it's
> looking like things could be on track to split the user and maintainer
> base in two" and me explaining why I don't think all new innovation
> should go into pipenv suddenly turn into "spread this kind of
> inaccurate picture".> 
>> I know we have had unproductive conversations on the issue tracker,
>> please don’t bring them to the mailing list.> 
> This isn't about you, has absolutely NOTHING to do with you, don't
> make it about you. I am trying to contribute my thoughts back to the
> discussion which only is of peripherally concerned about pipenv, but
> is about the future of pip/package installation, and a comment that
> was made regarding pip becoming "legacy".> 
> You made me feel incredibly unwelcome to pipenv, I will no longer
> actively attempt to contribute back to that community. I have gone out
> of my way to stay away from any PyPA projects because of the actions
> and behaviours you showed on the pipenv tracker, and have actively
> encouraged others to do the same and look at other open source
> projects instead. Let us be crystal clear here, the way you and
> Kenneth have shown your colours on the pipenv issue tracker is a real
> shame and is turning off many potential contributors and good feedback
> to help improve pipenv.> 
> This post, right here, has re-iterated that view.
> Don't contact me again.
>> Dan Ryan // pipenv maintainer
>> gh: @techalchemy
>> On Sep 20, 2018, at 2:29 PM, Bert JW Regeer
>> <> wrote:>>> 
>>>> On Sep 20, 2018, at 12:11, Tzu-ping Chung <>
>>>> wrote:>>>> 
>>>> On 21 Sep 2018, at 02:01, Bert JW Regeer <> wrote:>>>>> 
>>>>>> On Sep 19, 2018, at 23:22, Chris Jerdonek
>>>>>> <> wrote:>>>>>> 
>>>>>> Thus, it's looking like things could be on track to split the
>>>>>> user and maintainer base in two, with pip bearing the legacy
>>>>>> burden and perhaps not seeing the improvements. Are we okay with
>>>>>> that future?>>>>> 
>>>>> This'll be a sad day. pip is still used as an installer by other
>>>>> build system where using pipenv is simply not a possibility.>>>> 
>>>> I am not quite sure I understand why you’d think so. pip has been
>>>> bearing the legacy burden for years, and if this is the future (not
>>>> saying it is), it would more like just another day in the office
>>>> for pip users, since nothing is changing.>>> 
>>> pip not seeing any improvements is something I think will be sad. I
>>> don't use pipenv, but use poetry which uses pip behind the scenes to
>>> do installation. I also use flit. For either of those cases I would
>>> think it sad that pipenv splits from pip, and then developers of
>>> alternate tooling around building packages (but not installing)
>>> don't get new improvements because "pip is legacy".>>> 
>>> pipenv doesn't work in various scenarios, and trying to shoehorn it
>>> into those scenarios is just wrong especially since it wasn't
>>> designed to do those things.> 
> --
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