Thanks Chris, these are excellent suggestions. Can you provide a reference to a 
PR you’re working or have worked on so we can jumpstart the process on our end?

Dan Ryan // pipenv maintainer
gh: @techalchemy

> On Sep 25, 2018, at 5:47 PM, Chris Jerdonek <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 6:46 AM, Dan Ryan <> wrote:
>> As far as the pipenv roadmap, we are rewriting a good chunk of it but it 
>> essentially the atomic things we do or would like to do with regards to 
>> shared functionality at a high level:
>> - parse user input/requirements
>> - retrieve package metadata
>> - resolve dependencies (not in pip right now obviously) — may involve 
>> building wheels/sdists
>> - download / build packages
>> - install packages (into a virtualenv sometimes)
>> - uninstall packages (from a virtualenv sometimes)
>> - list packages etc (in a virtualenv sometimes)
>> We know how these are accomplished in pip and we know how we are handling 
>> them both in pipenv and in our alternative implementations, which I believe 
>> still have some dependency on pip. For us the roadmap is basically to figure 
>> out
>> - where do the abstractions live
>> - how do we start
>> - ???
> Thanks, Dan. I think Donald answered this in an email much earlier in
> this thread -- the one he sent on Sept. 19 beginning:
> """
> My general recommendation if you want a Python
> implementation/interface for something pip does, is:
> - Open an issue on the pip repository to document your intent and to
> make sure that there is nobody there who is against having that
> functionality split out. ...
> ...
> """
> In addition, to ensure you're taking the approach of splitting out
> parts of pip instead of creating yet another implementation separate
> from pip (leading to duplicated work as I said), I would recommend
> also doing the following:
> File PR's in pip to refactor out various functionality that makes
> sense into stand-alone bits with their own tests (e.g. unit tests,
> etc). This would live in pip but be disentangled from the rest of pip
> from a code dependency perspective. It could even be in a separate
> "future libraries" subdirectory if the pip committers are okay with
> it. (Optional: since you're already vendoring pip, you could perhaps
> use this factored out code at your own risk, like you're already doing
> with some of pip's code base anyway.)
> The above is something I started doing at a small scale -- not to
> break it out into a library, but for its own sake because it makes it
> easier to maintain and work on pip as a code base, fixing bugs, etc.
> Some of the nice things about this approach are that--
> 1. It can be done even before the steps that Donald outlined (like I'm
> doing), e.g. so that you don't need to wait for a PEP to be finished.
> And it could even help in the later creation of such PEPs.
> 2. By doing so, as a side effect of the PR process, it automatically
> causes communication with pip maintainers and works towards the
> "splitting out parts of pip" goal -- all without duplicating any work
> because both pip and pipenv developers are aware and collaborating on
> these changes.
> 3. It is incremental as you go, ensuring that it is compatible with
> pip and that pip is using it, etc.
> 4. It improves pip in the process (as well as pipenv, if you're still
> vendoring in some form). In other words, the work is useful from the
> beginning, whether or not it's ever broken out into a separately
> maintained library.
> 5. It is forward progress towards the goal of a separate library.
> --Chris
>> Dan Ryan // pipenv maintainer
>> gh: @techalchemy
>>>> On Sep 25, 2018, at 8:11 AM, Paul Moore <> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 12:53, Chris Jerdonek <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 3:47 AM, Tzu-ping Chung <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We are using pip internals for things pip wasn’t implemented for. 
>>>>> Specifically,
>>>>> Pipenv uses pip’s package-fetching functions to implement its 
>>>>> platform-agnostic
>>>>> resolver. pip does not have this, so there’s no functional overlap here. 
>>>>> Those
>>>>> utilities are used to build something that doesn’t exist in pip, so 
>>>>> there’s no
>>>>> duplicated efforts.
>>>>> My recent focus on making sense of packaging implementations and 
>>>>> splitting out
>>>>> parts of pip is exactly to prevent potential duplicated efforts. If we 
>>>>> can’t use pip
>>>>> internals, let’s make things we want to use *not* internal!
>>>> I don't see this practice of "splitting out parts of pip" actually
>>>> being followed so far though, and I want to tell you how it's leading
>>>> to duplicated efforts right now -- even for the PR's I happen to be
>>>> working on today.
>>> [...]
>>>> So by creating implementations of functions separate from pip instead
>>>> of splitting them out of pip, it's leading to duplicated work for
>>>> people working on pip's code base. A process of splitting something
>>>> out of pip would I think involve a process more like what I'm
>>>> following -- namely to refactor functionality in pip *first* so it can
>>>> be used separately, and then pull that out so you only have one
>>>> implementation at any point in time. Otherwise, you wind up creating
>>>> two versions of similar functionality that not only need to be created
>>>> twice, but also later reconciled if the plan is merge them back
>>>> together.
>>> This is a very good point, and thanks for the concrete example. For
>>> the record, I'm also a little annoyed that pipenv have been doing all
>>> this work in isolation. There's been very little communication between
>>> the pip and pipenv projects, and I think that's contributed to the
>>> problem. I, for one, wasn't even aware for a long time that they were
>>> embedding their own copy of pip. When we made pip's internals in
>>> private in pip 10, we got essentially no feedback from anyone saying
>>> that it would be a problem, and finding out that it had a sufficiently
>>> major impact on pipenv that they had to embed the old version of pip
>>> *after* the release was (to put it politely) suboptimal :-(
>>> Having said all this, this thread is the start of an attempt to work
>>> better together and I think we should be glad that it's happening and
>>> try to make it work. But I don't think we've got off to a particularly
>>> good start and it will need work. In particular, I'd like to see an
>>> attempt from *both* projects to clarify our goals - I've been speaking
>>> solely for myself so far, it would be good to get the other pip
>>> developers' views and set out a sort of roadmap, and for pipenv to do
>>> the same.
>>> Paul
>>> --
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