I have been playing with Django for some time and I really like it.
Very few lines of code can make great things.
However, what seems to me as a big limit in Django using is a quite
difficult installation.
Here it is what I mean:
 I use a share webhosting, (http://www.imhosted.com). I have used it
with my Python application. But because I have no access to httpd.conf
( but only to a  .htaccess file)
I will have to ask the company to change httpd.conf  on their server(
and not sure they will be willing to do so). And also whenever I will
upload a new version of my Django script, I will have to ask the
company to restart their Apache( if not using FastCGI but mod_Python).
So, would it be possible to make the installation easier  also for
those who use share webhosting ?

Thanks for reading and your time.

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