James Bennett wrote:
> As for the related topic of AJAX in the admin, I think the problem of
> "Django bundles an AJAX library, I should use that one" can be avoided
> with some care in how AJAX is used within Django; if only a particular
> subset of functions is needed, it may be possible to bundle a
> stripped-down library which only includes those "AJAX components" that
> are actually being used.

What problem does this actually solve? Why do you care that people would
use a bundled JS library? Should we also excise the template system from
Django to avoid offending Kid? The ORM to avoid offending SQL object?
What would be left?

The issue here is that the set of functionality used is not going to be
static. So if we start picking apart JS libraries, we are going to end
up maintaining one as we modify the set of functions that are included.
It would also lead to seemingly pointless repository churn.

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