On Nov 30, 2007 3:33 PM, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's get a definitive list of features we want in Django 1.0, and
> let's release it.


> I'll start with a proposed list, which no doubt has omissions. But
> first, here's a proposal for how to handle this:
>     2. We set a deadline.

This is the only one that worries me... as much as I would like to
make the v1.0 hawks go away by saying "no later than X", I think the
better approach is to set a conservative set of goal features, rather
than a chronological deadline. Hypothetical extreme case - we set up a
feature list, and set a deadline for 1 July 2008. Then all the core
developers get distracted on non-Django work, 1 July comes around, and
we still haven't merged newforms-admin. At this point, I don't care
what the date is - a v1.0 without newforms-admin would be a waste of

> What am I forgetting?

That looks like a pretty comprehensive list to me. I can only think of
2 items that aren't present:

1) Model inheritance.
2) #2070 - streaming uploads.

My reasoning for (1) is much the same as James. From a purely
technical perspective, inheritance/subclassing/abstract base classes
could probably be added post 1.0 without any backwards incompatiblilty
issues. However, the OneToOneField has been marked as 'don't use this,
there's something better coming' for almost as long as I can remember;
since the point of the v1 release is to establish the core APIs that
we are happy with, this is probably something we should resolve.

As for #2070 - it has a lot of followers (currently 32 names on the CC list);
I haven't had a look at this patch for a while, so I don't remember
the extent to which it could be integrated post v1. However, it's one
of those tickets that (a) has a lot of interest and (b) has an
apparently working implementation, so IMHO its worth the effort to
include it.

> And, finally, a bit of a controversial statement, but...
> I think we ought to call the release 2.0.

While I can appreciate the 'stick it to them' sentiment, I don't like
the way that this conflicts with the message that we have been sending
for quite some time - that v1.0 is when we will stabilize our APIs. I
for one don't want to have to answer the deluge of "Huh? When was 1.0
released?" questions from people that don't get the joke.

Russ %-)

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