On Apr 3, 2:39 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Tim Keating <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I should clarify - this is with MySQLdb 1.3.0 built from source, MySQL
> > 5.0.41 and Python 2.5.
> Where did you get MySQLdb 1.3.0?  Latest I see at sourceforge 
> (https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22307) is 1.2.2?
> In 1.2.2, a MySQLdb  Connection is based off of (inherits from) a
> _mysql.connection, therefore you have access to the _mysql specific routines
> from the MySQLdb Connection.  This is apparently not true for whatever you
> are running?
> Karen

I got 1.3.0 by syncing to the svn trunk. The definition of a
connection in 1.3.0 looks like this:

class Connection(object):
    """MySQL Database Connection Object"""

So if there previously was an inheritance relationship, that appears
to be going away. I'm not able to confirm this for sure because
Sourceforge's SVN repository appears to be unavailable right this

Looks like they may have replaced inheritance with composition:

        self._db = _mysql.connection(*args, **kwargs2)

If so, the fix is to interject a "_db" into the calls to
self.connection.get_server_info() and self.connection.ping().

If my take on this is correct, this is going to break for a lot more
people when 1.3.0 gets officially released.


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