On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 13:46 -0700, Tim Keating wrote:
> > OK, sourceforge's SVN is back up and from a brief look I don't think the tip
> > of the trunk for MySQLdb is intended to be in general use.  The comment
> > associated with rev 530, current for connections.py and the one which
> > introduced this change is: "Tons of changes from major refactoring/cleanup.
> > This is all really broken right now. In particular, all results are returned
> > as strings."
> >
> > Sounds like there are major changes going on and picking up a non-released
> > revision is a bad idea.
> Agreed, that was the root of my mistake. However, it strikes me that a
> change of this nature is not something accidental, so it is probably
> really coming... eventually. Updating the mysql backend to deal with
> it robustly is probably a smart move. I have emailed Andy Dustman (the
> principal developer on MySQLdb) and asked about this change; once I
> hear back from him we'll know whether a patch needs to be made.

There have been quite a number of cases in the past where people have
tried using pre-release stuff and been bitten. I can think of
postgreSQL, python, pyscopg2 and markdown off the top of my head -- the
latter three in release candidates that were fixed prior to final. There
have also been downstream distribution problems that caused similar
problems. In almost all cases things have been fixed prior to the final
release. So I don't Django should be chasing moving targets until
something hits release candidate status. Prior to that bug reports to
the upstream might be appropriate. Or just keeping an eye on things.

It might be that we have to change something in Django. Not a big deal.
But let's keep the horse firmly in front of the cart and not worry about
it just yet.

People noting the problems and perhaps working with upstream is a good
thing. Django making changes too early is not. Let Andy work out what he
wants the API to look like and then we'll read the backwards
incompatible change list and adjust at the right time.


He who laughs last thinks slowest. 

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