> > Due to the birthday paradox, sqrt(n) is roughly the number you need to
> > have a 50% collision chance when picking items at random from an
> > inexhaustible set of n items. (0, sys.maxint - 1) is currently the
> > random range. On 32-bit platforms the collision bound is thus quite
> > low as sqrt(2^31) is about 46 000 keys.
> This isn't correct. The birthday paradox models a situation of choices
> *with replacement* from a set. That is, when multiple entities can have
> the same value. We don't have replacement. You have a set of X active
> sessions, all unique (since that's a database constraint) and somebody
> is trying to guess one of them at random. So the probability is X/N, not
> something approaching sqrt(N)/N.

random.randint(0, n) *is* a set with choices with replacements.
Multiple picks can, should and, as demonstrated at
http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/1180#comment:26 , do create
collisions at around sqrt(n) picks and less.

I entirely agree that collisions in picks from the random value set
shouldn't directly manifest in collisions in the session key set as
1) time.time() is used as another varying input
2) collision is explicitly checked for in a loop until a unique value
is created

So, for a session key collision to occur, multiple threads should
simultaneously enter the function, get the same time value and a
colliding random value (and negative result from the uniqueness
check). Admittedly this looks very unlikely when random values collide
at around 46 000 picks.

However, according to the report 
, collisions do exist when random range is (0, 2^31) and do not exist
when it is (0, 2^63). So perhaps we miss something.

To properly solve the problem, the particular scenario that leads to
the collision should be pinpointed. Then we can make an informed
decision about the amount of randomness needed.

Until that, 63 bits can be used as it is safer than 31, does not cause
much performance penalty and has proven to be enough to fix the
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