On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 02:14 -0800, Waldemar Kornewald wrote:
> On 12 Feb., 03:51, Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com>
> wrote:
> > > Is the plan somewhere on the wiki?
> >
> > No, because it's only something I'm pulling together slowly in my head.
> I hope you've read my wiki page, so that in the end Django is flexible
> enough to work even with App Engine's limitations (e.g., it's
> practically impossible to implement a TransactionMiddleware):
> http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/AppEngine

I've had a quick read of it, but nothing serious, since I have a million
other things to do at the moment that are higher priority. However, the
overall impression from reading that is that most of those problems
aren't something Django itself will need to worry about. It's things
that the Query (and other django/db/models/sql/*) replacement will need
to handle.

Ditto with things like replacing Permissions and ContentTypes -- that
will be up to you to fake somehow in the eventual AppEngine code.
They're part of Django, so if you choose not to use them (and I really
don't understand why you wouldn't, since they're just normal models --
the argument seems to be that you don't want to have an equivalent of
syncdb for some reason, but that doesn't necessarily seem to be a
required constraint), you have to work around that.

> SimpleDB is even worse because of "eventual consistency" which means
> there are no transactions and absolutely no integrity guarantees.

No, it's easier. Since there are no constraints of that nature, it's not
something we have to worry. Designing in features that are impossible
isn't a good goal to have. If you're using a storage backend that
doesn't support some kind of transactional integrity, then you simply
don't have transactional integrity. That's a constraint you accept when
choosing that storage backend.


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