On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Simon Willison <si...@simonwillison.net> wrote:
> By default, runserver would display no log messages at all.

Runserver currently outputs each request to the commandline. Any
reason that couldn't be handled by a logger? I seem to recall people
complaining that they couldn't redirect that output elsewhere before
when logging discussions came up.

> My philosophy here is that log messages should be ignored unless
> explicitly told otherwise. Django gets run in various different ways -
> runserver, test and in deployment under mod_wsgi/FastCGI/etc - and
> it's not at all obvious what the default log output behaviour should
> be. As long as we make it extremely easy to see log messages if we
> want them I think having them off by default makes sense. It also
> ensures no surprises for people upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2.

Yeah, this was an issue we ran into. People will deploy your code in
all sorts of situations and you can't make any assumptions about what
would constitute an appropriate handler. They have to define those
themselves. Even management commands can be called from scripts and
may need output to be logged someplace other than sdterr.

> 4. Add a way to configure loggers in Django's settings.py file, in
> particular for use in production. I'm not sure if these settings
> should be ignored when running under other circumstances (./manage.py
> test etc) in favour of the command line option, or if they should
> still take effect.

Well, a logger can have multiple handlers. I would think we would want
to leave the handlers defined in settings.py in tact and add the
manage.py handler (most likely output to stderr - but could be
different - see my comment above).

\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg

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