In light of yesterday's security issue, I'd like to propose that we
significantly dumb down the regex Django uses to validate email

Currently, the regex we use covers many common cases, but comes
nowhere near covering the entire spectrum of addresses allowed by the
RFC; several tickets are open regarding this. Trying to cover more of
the RFC is possible, although supporting all valid email addresses is
not (various regexes claim to do this, but full coverage is impossible
-- the RFC is flexible enough WRT things like nested comments that I'm
fairly certain no single regex can handle them all), and -- as we've
seen -- attempts to cover a broader chunk of the RFC can introduce
issues with performance.

So what I'd like to propose is that EmailField essentially check that
the value contains an '@', and a '.' somewhere after it. This will
cover most addresses that are likely to be in actual use, and various
confirmation processes can be used to rule out any invalid addresses
which happen to slip through that. Meanwhile, people who want to
support comments inside a bang path or other such exotic beasts can
simply write their own regex for it and tell a form to use that

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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