On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:25 AM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
> <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Mario Briggs <mario.bri...@in.ibm.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> I agree that INTEGER is not the right choice, but then so too is CLOB.
>>> How long is this string-serialized representation going to be? greater
>>> than 4000 characters ? Varchar(X)  where X is > 4000 or something is
>>> then the right choice. This is validated by what Karen says is the
>>> Oracle fix.
>> Well, Django doesn't make the decision to use CLOB - that's in the
>> hands of your backend. In the same circumstances, SQLite and Postgres
>> use 'text'. MySQL uses 'longtext'. Oracle uses 'NCLOB'
> The decision is based on the field type, not on the individual field.
> If it were possible within the Oracle backend to override this
> particular field to VARCHAR2, we would happily do it.  But TextFields
> in general need to be LOBs.
>> In theory, the contents of the object_id field could be anything -
>> including a string of arbitrary length (i.e., a TextField). However,
>> in practice, I would be surprised to see 4000+ characters for
>> object_id - most primary keys are going to be integers, and the ones
>> that aren't are likely to be short strings or string-like datatypes.
> Due to the hackish way the Oracle backend implements lookups on LOBs,
> it will still fail if the object_id is actually longer than 4000
> characters.  It might even raise an error (I haven't tried it).  So at
> least in Oracle we gain nothing by making this a TextField rather than
> a CharField(max_length=4000).  Plus, if it were a CharField, we would
> be able to index it.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the only way to get an object_id
> so large that it won't fit inside a backend-dependent CharField is if
> the primary key of the model is itself a TextField.  If you ask me,
> anybody foolish enough to use a TextField as a primary key deserves
> what they get.  Oracle won't even allow it.

Your comment about foolishness is definitely correct :-) As for the
CharField point -  following this logic, we could define object_id as
a CharField(max_length=N), for some large N. However, in the general
case, we can't specify an N that is greater than all N's that
end-users might use. Therefore, we use a TextField, which is unbound.

This is a slightly moot point, though; Django defines the admin log
object_id using a TextField, and changing this would be a big
backwards incompatibility.

Russ Magee %-)


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