On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Yuri Baburov <burc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Russell,
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
> <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Yuri Baburov <burc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Russell,
>>> is it possible to introduce some new field type
>>> ShortTextField for that purpose, that will be by default
>>> `varchar(4000)` on Oracle and DB2 who supports long varchars, and
>>> `text` on other backends like it was before, excepting 'smalltext'
>>> instead of 'longtext' for mysql?
>> I can see that this approach doesn't have any backward compatibility
>> issues. However, from a documentation point of view, explaining the
>> difference between a ShortTextField and a TextField requires a leaky
>> abstraction (i.e., you have to know about implementation details in
>> order for the explanation to make sense).
>> With a different coat of paint, it might be more palatable. A name
>> like ShortTextField presupposes the storage implementation, but tells
>> you nothing about the appropriate usage. However, a different name -
>> something like GenericKeyField tells you nothing about the storage,
>> but does tell you  when it might be appropriate to use it.
>> Of course GenericKeyField has the problem of being easy to confuse
>> with GenericForeignKey. For that reason, I'm not sold on
>> GenericKeyField as a name - any suggestions in this general vein are
>> welcome.
> First, since we have a lot of fields already like
> PositiveIntegerField, there is no problem to add one more specific
> field. It's not new kind of fields distinction, it's just one more
> specie of them.

PostiveIntegerField isn't a good example here - in fact, it reinforces
my point. PositiveIntegerField tells you nothing concrete about the
underlying storage - all it describes is a validation condition.

> But then much more general problem arises: use of CLOB instead of
> varchar2 where 255<length<=4000.
> To support Oracle, all Django programmers should now be aware of this
> Oracle-specific data type distinction, should know that SmallTextField
> is better than TextField for some situations, etc.
> That's awful.

Agreed. That's why I don't like the idea of adding
(Short|Small)TextField. However, if you step away from calling it a
TextField, and give it a semantic purpose - storing a Generic Key -
then it isn't confusing at all. If you want to store a generic key,
use a GenericKeyField. If you want to store text, use a TextField.

> So the enhanced idea appears:
> TextField(max_length=x) where x<=4000 to be treated as varchar2(x) in Oracle.
> TextField with greater length and TextField without length to be
> treated as NCLOB.
> LogEntry.object_id rewritten as TextField(max_length=4000).
> Documented as a restriction by design, that prevents bad usages.
> This should be documented in Oracle backend docs on data types in bold.

I'm not wild about the idea of having underlying datatypes change
based on attributes in a field definition. To date, Django has
maintained a clear mapping between Field type and database type.

> Am I correct that varchar2 is always preferred to NCLOB where appropriate?

On this point I would need to defer to our friendly community Oracle experts.

>>> I think this is a point where "TextField is accessed by value"
>>> abstraction breaks, and better separation between long string and
>>> referenced object should be introduced.
>> Agreed.
>>> I assume we have not much Oracle & DB2 users yet, and nothing will
>>> change for them unless they already suffer from this problem and they
>>> will not anymore. Migration script is single "alter table" command,
>>> and that needs to be documented.
>> I'm always a little nervous about upgrading instructions, and doubly
>> so about those that include database migrations. History has shown us
>> that it doesn't matter how well we write upgrading notes - backwards
>> incompatible changes cause problems. Unless there is a particularly
>> compelling reason to change the existing Oracle implementation, I'd
>> rather not force that change.
> Yes, they are always a pain, but in such situation I'm feeling like in
> a surgeon.
> I tend to prefer to do surgery once instead of living with constant pain.
> For this problem, pain is not strong, but surgery is quick, and those who use
> newer Django won't even know about that pain.

Django has a very firm backwards compatibility guarantee. We are very
careful that when we roll out a new version, it doesn't break any
existing installations because of changes in  documented interfaces.
Even if you take one of the biggest changes in Django's post 1.0
history - CSRF support - it has been added in such a way that any
existing installation shouldn't be affected by upgrading from 1.1 to

Unfortunately, absent of a schema migration system built into Django,
there simply isn't any way to handle changes to model definitions for
existing Django tables in a completely transparent way. Documenting
changes like this just doesn't cut it - the bad publicity generated by
"code broke when I upgraded" isn't mitigated by saying "but it says do
X in the documentation".

The "cure" administered by the surgeon may be simple, obvious, and
right; but if it isn't completely transparent, I'm afraid you're going
to have an uphill battle to convince me it's the right solution.

Russ Magee %-)


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