
> I don't know why a user should have <queryset>.filter(object_id='1')
> fail, as that breaks the ORM abstraction. Maybe that's not what you're
> suggesting?

I am saying exactly what i am saying. So here's my example that does
the same thing in a java ORM

// Here's the model
public class ClobTest {
    private String id ;

    private String firstName ;

// here's the app
ClobTest c = EntityManager.find(hellojpa.ClobTest.class, "1");

// here's what happens
Exception in thread "main" javax.persistence.PersistenceException:
org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not load an entity:
        at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.find
Caused by: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-401,
SQL0401N -   The data types of the operands for the operation
"<operator>" are not compatible.

I am certain i would get the same exception if i used Oracle as the
DB. So i cant see why the Django Oracle Adapter should cover this.

> With a different coat of paint, it might be more palatable. A name
> like ShortTextField presupposes the storage implementation, but tells
> you nothing about the appropriate usage. However, a different name -
> something like GenericKeyField tells you nothing about the storage,
> but does tell you  when it might be appropriate to use it.

GenericKeyField  - Its hard for me to see that a end-user would not be
interested in the specific type of his column at the database
especially if its a key field.



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