On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 12:35 AM, Simon Willison <si...@simonwillison.net> wrote:
> On Dec 5, 4:20 pm, Russell Keith-Magee <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Trust me - I don't want to do mindless busy work. However, we need to
>> have some sort of answer for the admin interface - Django's admin is a
>> big selling point for Django for some people, so we can't really
>> introduce a huge new feature, and then say "but you can't use it in
>> admin". I'm interested in making the least intrusive change that is
>> possible without hamstringing future multi-db interfaces.
> It strikes me that the admin issue should be solvable entirely in
> django.contrib.admin without any changes to the multidb code itself.
> Right now you can get most of the job done using a ModelAdmin
> subclass:
> from django.contrib import admin
> from blog.models import Entry
> class EntryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
>        obj.save(using='otherdb')
>    def queryset(self, request):
>        return Entry.objects.using('otherdb').all()
> admin.site.register(Entry, EntryAdmin)
> I haven't tested the above so it's probably missing a few cases
> (save_fieldsets for example perhaps) but if we document it I think
> it's a good enough solution for the moment. Even if we need to
> refactor ModelAdmin a bit to ensure the right hooks are available it
> still shouldn't be a massive change.

I want to poke around this code over the next couple of days. I
suspect that you're probably right - the set of changes won't be too
significant. However, if it is possible to provide a simple
configuration option so that end-users don't have to write boilerplate
save_model() and queryset() definitions, I think that's worth looking

Russ Magee %-)


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