On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 14:16 +0800, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:

> So - have at it. I'm really excited by this; so let me know everywhere
> I've messed up so that we can get this into trunk.

Sorry, missed this before. A couple of comments...

Logging config as last stage of settings loading is where is seems to
have ended up in our apps at the moment anyway; I'd agree with whoever
it was who said that it should be made possible/simple to force the
config to happen earlier in settings (and then not happen twice), as
depending on the complexity of the settings, it may be necessary to log
from it.

I'm worried by the use of "warning" for all 4xx statuses. I think it
still makes sense to use the "original" syslog level definitions[*] as a
guide, and on there I'd suggest that some 4xx statuses would merit
"Info", some "Notice", and maybe one or two "Warning". "Notice" not
being included in Python's default logging, I guess that means I'd split
them between "Info" and "Warning".

My view is that the main use of these logs to me is to help me see when
someone is doing Bad Things (or trying to) to my system. I would be
wanting anything that indicated a targeted exploration of my server to
show up as "Warning", and anything that's most likely a random script
kiddie to be "Info". That certainly puts 404 in as "Info"; I see so many
hits looking for e.g. poorly-configured phpmyadmin installations, that
404s would swamp anything that I really needed to be looking at.

[*] Which are, according to 'man syslog' on this box:

       LOG_EMERG      system is unusable
       LOG_ALERT      action must be taken immediately
       LOG_CRIT       critical conditions
       LOG_ERR        error conditions
       LOG_WARNING    warning conditions
       LOG_NOTICE     normal, but significant, condition
       LOG_INFO       informational message
       LOG_DEBUG      debug-level message


Nick Phillips / +64 3 479 4195 / nick.phill...@otago.ac.nz
# these statements are my own, not those of the University of Otago

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