On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
<russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:
> Python classes have state. People *will* assign variables to self,
> because that's something they have done with every other Python class
> in existence. And as soon as their code hits production, their code
> will break, in unpredictable ways. Claiming that users should
> RTFM/should know better isn't an acceptable excuse in this case, IMHO.
> When an API will break when you use it in the obvious way, that isn't
> something you can hide in documentation and say "we told you so".

Classes that represent real objects have state. Like cars have color,
make and registration number, your models have attributes that
differentiate them from other objects of same class.

"Utility" classes (usually singletons) that represent a function
(service) should not have state.

Imagine walking into a bank and talking to a clerk. She asks for your
name and purpose. You say you want to withrdraw some money. She then
walks up to a giant whiteboard, wipes it and writes your name and your
bank account number there. Then she yells "Joooeeeey" and walks away.
But until Joey appears to give you money, you see another clerk walk
up to the whiteboard, wipe your data and replace it with John Doe. She
then proceeds to exclaim "Joooeeeey" and walks away. That's what a
stateful view is :)

Patryk Zawadzki

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