On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Ian Lewis <ianmle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a member of the Japanese Django community which is maintaining a
> somewhat(read very) outdated version of the Django documentation
> here: http://djangoproject.jp/doc/ja/1.0/
> I'm trying to kickstart a project to update the documentation and in looking
> around I noticed that on Django's homepage the documentation's URL includes
> the language code. I was wondering, is there is an official way to submit
> translations for Django's documentation? Is there currently a way to link or
> help direct users from Django's site to the proper resources in the their
> language?

Not *quite* yet.

The URL you've noticed is forward planning -- translations of the
documentation have always been on the nice-to-have list, so we've
planned for future expansion. At the moment, however, there is only
the english translation, and we don't really have the facilities to
handle alternate languages.

There are a bunch of modifications that we want to make to
docs.djangoproject.com, and providing support for other languages is
part of those improvements. Some recent additions to Sphinx should
make it much easier to manage this process.

If you want to help out set up the infrastructure to make this happen,
there was a recent call for volunteers on the Django Software
Foundation's members and volunteers list [1]; if you jump on that list
now, it's not too late to register your interest in helping out (ok..
the deadline has passed, but we're not going to pass up any offer of
volunteer help).

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/dsf-members

Russ Magee %-)

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