On 13.10.2010, at 04:56, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 9:32 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
> <russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:
>> There are a bunch of modifications that we want to make to
>> docs.djangoproject.com, and providing support for other languages is
>> part of those improvements. Some recent additions to Sphinx should
>> make it much easier to manage this process.
>> If you want to help out set up the infrastructure to make this happen,
>> there was a recent call for volunteers on the Django Software
>> Foundation's members and volunteers list [1]; if you jump on that list
>> now, it's not too late to register your interest in helping out (ok..
>> the deadline has passed, but we're not going to pass up any offer of
>> volunteer help).
> Another way to help: I'm currently working on a cleanup and refactor
> of the djangoproject.com website code, including docs. This'll go live
> along with a new server we're moving to -- soon, no, really this time!
> The current state-of-the-art is in the somewhat-badly-named
> "community_redux" branch on my Github account:
> http://github.com/jacobian/djangoproject.com/tree/community_redux, and
> I would *gladly* take input and/or patches into how to start adding
> multi-language support.

While this is definitely a big +1 from me, I've already worked on updating the 
djangoproject.com code to support Sphinx' latest i18n features before and 
during Djangocon and only need to incorporate them in the new site code.

> There are some tricky problems to solve -- most notably the issue of
> tracking which bits of content have been translated into which
> languages and how up-to-date with the original English docs those are

Indeed, this is actually solved by recent changes in the Sphinx (versioning and 
i18n support), that'll be part of the 1.1 release (Yay!). From what I 
understand there will also be an API that would allow us display sensible 
information about the accuracy of each translation, since changes to content 
blocks are tracked internally. Whether we should adopt the use of Sphinx 
websupport module to lower the efforts on our site is yet to be determined 


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