On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Waldemar Kornewald
<wkornew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's not even future-proof. We're heading towards larger client-side
> web apps which means there will be HTML5 offline manifests and apps
> consisting of more than 50 files. Even the combination of
> django_compressor with staticfiles can't handle such apps. In a few
> years staticfiles will be like the other "badteries" in contrib.
> Well, looks like the Django core team doesn't care. :(

Multiple committers have replied to you, explaining their points of
view on this. You disagree with their reasoning; that's unfortunate,
but it's also the nature of community-driven development. We work by
rough consensus, not by unanimous consent. None of which implies that
the people who've taken the time to present their arguments to you
"don't care" -- the fact that they're doing this shows that they do
care and are paying plenty of attention to criticisms.

So in the future, lay off the incendiary/insulting commentary, OK?

As for the main topic of the thread: personally, I think staticfiles
is fine in contrib. "How do I gather up the static files from all
these apps into one place where I can manage their deployment" is a
genuine problem people face when using Django. This app solves that
problem. It may not always be a perfect solution for everyone, but
neither are most of the apps in contrib; stuff like sessions, auth,
the admin, etc. all exist to solve common problems and provide a solid
baseline of supplementary functionality to go with the core framework,
and they all do a good job at that. But none of them are or ever can
be one-size-fits-all solutions which will work for every developer in
every situation, and it's unreasonable to expect them to suit every
use case. Such is life.

In the future, it may well turn out that people will commonly need
much more than what the current iteration of staticfiles provides. But
we can't cross that bridge until we come to it; for now, staticfiles
solves the common version of the problem (let's face it: *very* few
people are doing CDNs or offline HTML5 apps or any of the other stuff
brought up in this thread, as compared to gathering a bunch of files
and serving them up).

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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