On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <ja...@jacobian.org>wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Tobias McNulty <tob...@caktusgroup.com>
> wrote:
> > That thread's pretty old and doesn't really end on anything conclusive
> other
> > than "work has started".  I do see that the patch was updated numerous
> times
> > on the ticket [1] this month, but was there an associated review on the
> > mailing list?  Searching the group for "staticfiles" [2] or "12323" [3]
> > doesn't turn up much, but maybe I'm missing something.
> It looks like most of the review and discussion took place on the
> ticket tracker and on IRC. I'll take a mea culpa for that: I should
> have brought things back here.

No worries.  I certainly haven't been as involved as I could have been, so
it's quite likely I'd know more about what's going on if I'd been paying
more attention. :-)

I'd like to try again to actually move this forward: does anyone have
> an alternate proposal? I'm hearing a bit of complaining, but no
> alternate proposals.

I think the issue is that the commit has already been made, and that doesn't
feel like the right time to anyone to submit an alternate proposal.

That said, I'm not complaining, and I think having a standard way to bundle
static media with reusable apps is a Really Good Thing (tm).

As far as constructive feedback goes, something I would like to see is
making "compilestatic" more configurable: One might prefer to serve media
directly from the app static directories (via Aliases in apache or locations
in nginx), instead of copying it manually every time during a deployment.
 Some hooks that would let you generate a customized configuration, instead
of making copying the de facto standard implementation, would be great IMHO.

Another concern I have is about naming conflicts: how does staticfiles
address the case where multiple apps supply files with the same names?  This
is something that might also be addressed by being more configurable: I can
see the case where it'd make more sense to expose app-specific URLs for
media to the browser, instead of consolidating everything under a single
global namespace.  This could be implemented by a template tag, like so:

{% staticfile 'appname' 'path/to/file.png' %}

Just my two cents.

Tobias McNulty, Managing Partner
Caktus Consulting Group, LLC

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