Greetings huge django developer list,
I just wanted to mention, this method totally works for me, I call it

In the templates folder I have a file called "base.html'
Inside that file is only 1 line:
{% extends request.META.HTTP_HOST|cut:':'|add:'.html'%}

The rest of that same folder contains a bunch of files:

each of those is basically a WYSIWYG compatible HTML file, they can
obviously contain django code, they represent "base.html" so anytime
someone hits the website.
The base.html looks up the URL and serves the appropriate base
template for all the other templates to draw from.

I know several people have introduced other, 'more elegant' solutions.
This is my 1 line, 'yes it works' solution.
I hope this is helpful to at least one person, it definitely is going
in my book, my client adores the solution. If you have something
better, or even more elegant please do let me know. Also if you think
this solution is 'incorrect' for any reason I would really appreciate
the insight. It would be spectacular if this kind of 'feature' were a
clearer 'default' option.


p.s. i tried to email this in and it bounced, so if u get this twice,
my deepest apologies.

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