On Friday, January 28, 2011 6:59:43 PM UTC+11, James Hancock wrote:
> I have one question about changing the site ID per request.
> I assume that settings is imported from conf, and so in the end it is 
> simply changing the same SITE_ID to fit the current request Django is 
> handling. 
> Does this ever become a problem? I am setting up around 250 sites for 
> example. If the site_id had a conflict because it is trying to be changed in 
> two places at the same time.

On the fly changes to settings like this on a per request basis is not 
likely to work in a multithreaded hosting configuration. Thus, you are 
restricted to one thread per process and thus would need to use multiple 
processes to handle concurrent requests.


> It is probably a dumb question, but I was wondering.
> Cheers,
> James Hancock
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Jjdelc <jjd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If all you need to change is the SITE_ID on the settings file, using
>> different files for each is not only a mess to handle, but also means
>> that you'll spend extra RAM for each instance running.
>> I solve this by using a middleware that changes the SITE_ID based on
>> the request's hostname:
>> SITES_DICT = 'cached-sites-dict'
>> class MultiHostMiddleware(object):
>>    def process_request(self, request):
>>        if cache.has_key(SITES_DICT):
>>            sites = cache.get(SITES_DICT)
>>        else:
>>            sites = {}
>>            for site in Site.objects.all():
>>                sites[site.domain.lower()] = {
>>                    'id': site.id,
>>                }
>>            cache.set(SITES_DICT, sites)
>>        try:
>>            host = request.META["HTTP_HOST"].lower().replace('www.',
>> '')
>>            domain = urlparse(host).path
>>            settings.SITE_ID = sites[domain]['id']
>>        except KeyError:
>>            raise Http404()
>> This way I only have one instance running 'hundreds' of websites.
>> With this approach you can create a OneToOne model SiteOptions to
>> store extra settings, like TEMPLATE_DIRS, STATIC_ROOT, or other site's
>> options like API keys and such. I have an app that has the fields for
>> the site I'm doing but it works fine.
>> If you need different urlconfs, you could also do it in the middleware
>> (since urls are resolved against request.urlconf which you can set
>> there), but I think that at that point you're talking about another
>> website so I'd use a different settings file for it.
>> On Jan 27, 3:16 pm, Graham Dumpleton <graham.d...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > On Friday, January 28, 2011 2:09:06 AM UTC+11, Tom Evans wrote:
>> >
>> > > On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Jari Pennanen <jari...@gmail.com>
>> > > wrote:
>> > > > On Jan 26, 6:56 pm, FeatherDark <msen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > >> Greetings huge django developer list,
>> > > >> I just wanted to mention, this method totally works for me, I call 
>> it
>> > > >> "Skinning"
>> >
>> > > >> In the templates folder I have a file called "base.html'
>> > > >> Inside that file is only 1 line:
>> > > >> {% extends request.META.HTTP_HOST|cut:':'|add:'.html'%}
>> >
>> > > > request.META.HTTP_HOST is coming from Client. "Trust but verify", 
>> you
>> > > > are not verifying this. It could pose a security risk. One could 
>> send
>> > > > a request with malicious Host header and make the site retrieve
>> > > > different template. This is not a serious issue, since you probably
>> > > > don't have templates that would wreak havoc.
>> >
>> > > > Why don't you create own template context processor that would add 
>> the
>> > > > verified HTTP_HOST to template context? Then you could do just
>> >
>> > > > {% extend MY_VERIFIED_HTTP_HOST %}
>> >
>> > > > See:
>> >
>> > >http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/request-response/#django.htt.
>> ..
>> >
>> > >http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/api/#writing-your-.
>> ..
>> >
>> > > request.META['HTTP_HOST'] is also the primary mechanism for
>> > > determining which website to serve when doing virtual hosting, IE if
>> > > you use apache and your site is hosted in a structure like:
>> >
>> > > NameVirtualHost *:80
>> > > <VirtualHost *:80>
>> > >   ServerNamewww.foo.com
>> > >   ServerAlias *.foo.com *.bar.com *.quuz.com
>> > >   ....
>> > > </VirtualHost>
>> >
>> > > Then that variable already is being verified.
>> >
>> > Yes and no.
>> >
>> > Apache uses it to resolve name based virtual hosts, but if it cant match 
>> it
>> > against a specific virtual host from memory it routes the request to the
>> > first VirtualHost which was found in the Apache configuration for that 
>> port.
>> >
>> > Have many times seen broken VirtualHost configurations which shouldn't 
>> work,
>> > but seem to, because the user only had one VirtualHost definition and so
>> > Apache was routing the request to it anyway.
>> >
>> > If you were going to be rigorous you would add a dummy VirtualHost as 
>> first
>> > in Apache configuration and have 'Deny from all' in it so that any 
>> attempts
>> > to access unknown host would fallback to this and get forbidden.
>> >
>> > Graham
>> --
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