On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Luke Plant <l.plant...@cantab.net> wrote:
> On 29/03/11 03:10, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
>> Of course, this depends a great deal on the details of exactly what is
>> to be done, and where. Luke's proposal says we should "use HTML5
>> features at least as an option in places like the admin", but the
>> provided patch is a unilateral switch to HTML5 doctypes in the admin.
>> Optional support is a completely different beast from only providing
>> HTML5 rendering.
> The initial proposal is simply switch to HTML5 doctypes for supplied
> templates. This means that if some people have widgets that rely on
> HTML5 features, they can render those widgets in the context of the
> admin and have them work and have them valid.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "only providing HTML5 rendering". The
> existing rendering of all widgets is already both XHTML and HTML5
> compliant, so changing the doctype doesn't affect that.

It's not the widgets I'm concerned about as much as the doctype, and
the way the browser interprets that directive.

> I'm not aware that this doctype switch would cause any problems with
> either validity or functionality for any provided or 3rd party widgets
> that are outputting XHTML - really because we've never had true XHTML
> output - we've had XHTML served as HTML, which works like HTML in almost
> every respect.
> The further enhancements I'm thinking of are things like an EmailInput
> widget (which I'd suggest was the default widget for EmailField, but
> could be just available in django/forms/widgets.py). This widget would
> output <input type="email">.  AFAIK, this is fully backwards compatible
> with browsers that don't support it, since <inputs> default to
> type="text" if the browser doesn't recognise the "type" attribute.

If this is true -- that using a HTML5 doctype won't affect IE6
rendering, and a type="email" degrades gracefully to type="text" --
then that covers the bulk of my objections.

To be clear -- I'm speaking mostly out of my own ignorance here. When
I start hearing planning discussions predicated on the assertion that
"all modern browsers support HTML5", it makes me nervous. My daily
development work involves, in part, supporting IE6, so I haven't been
spending a whole lot of time investigating all the wonderful things
you can do with HTML5 beyond basic awareness of what I'm missing out
on. I certainly haven't done any great exploration of the
compatibility issues that exist -- it's easier to just not use HTML5.
I just want to make sure that supporting older browsers isn't
forgotten as a concern.

Russ Magee %-)

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