On Mar 29, 2:29 pm, Julien Phalip <jpha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 29, 1:26 pm, Luke Plant <l.plant...@cantab.net> wrote:
> > The further enhancements I'm thinking of are things like an EmailInput
> > widget (which I'd suggest was the default widget for EmailField, but
> > could be just available in django/forms/widgets.py). This widget would
> > output <input type="email">.  AFAIK, this is fully backwards compatible
> > with browsers that don't support it, since <inputs> default to
> > type="text" if the browser doesn't recognise the "type" attribute.
> This commodity with input types (particularly search, tel, url and
> email) may possibly be the only one we can offer out-of-the-box if we
> want to continue supporting IE6 without javascript. This would still
> be welcome though, and certainly a step in the right direction. In
> principle, the HTML5 doctype is fully backwards and forwards
> compatible with any browser so that can't hurt [1].
> Since the patch is small, then it would be very quick to test it in
> all browsers right away, no? :-)

Further to this, although I haven't done a great deal of testing
myself yet, I hear that old browsers sometimes aren't able to apply
CSS rules to tags that aren't recognised or that have attributes that
aren't recognised. So if we test this patch with old browsers we
should also test how CSS is affected.


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