
I unfortunatelly missed the last weekly check-in. However during this time I
was already on my travel to Amsterdam for DjangoCon Europe. During this
Conference and mostly during the sprints have I spoken to some of the core
contributors to get their opinion about my current form rendering proposal in
person. Idan had some really fantastic ideas about how we can improve on what
Carl and I came up with. He is also a professional designer and really knew
what was bugging him with forms he is writing.

He is also volunteering in writing up a description on how this will look
like and sending it to this mailinglist. So stay tuned and look out for his

I got also some small work done during the sprints in improving the test
suite. Peter van Kampen and I removed the last remaining doctest in django's
test suite. I also mocked the tests for URLField's with verify_exists=True.
They used to access the internet which made the tests fail if you are on a
plane (for example ;-)

So let's see how Idan's wrap up will look like. This will be open for
discussion at the time its posted. If there are no major concerns with it I
will start writing documentation for this approach at the end of next week.

I cannot response to any message in the next five days since I'm involved in a
trip for university and a paper I need to write.

Thanks again to the really well organized Djangocon and espescially the
sprints. It was a great place to get things done.

Gregor Müllegger

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