On 21/03/12 13:27, Kushagra Sinha wrote:
One more thing:
The current creation API in django has methods like "sql_create_model"
which basically return sql and it is the caller's responsibility to
either call cursor.execute on it (syncdb) or output the sql itself (sql).

South's (and xtrqt's) design is to have functions like "create_table"
which execute the sql themselves. Makes little difference to commands
like syncdb when they will be rewritten but commands like sql will have
to so something like start_transaction, get_sql, rollback_transaction
which is kinda hackish according to me.

What should be the design of the new migrations api?

Choosing one of these options and justifying it is a decent part of the application :)

I'd suggest not having multiple functions to do the same thing, but rather a modification of the South API to allow it to output SQL (probably replacing the dry-run mode). It won't be possible for all the South functions, but crucially it will be possible for the functions in .creation you'd be replacing.

Of course, this method carries with it a high testing cost as you'll have to essentially remove .creation, migrate all the core code over to the new stuff, and add a new shim back into .creation for the bits you replaced. You'll also have to consider what happens to apps like GeoDjango throughout all this.

You may want to opt for the simpler method and just get .alteration working for now and mirror some of the methods. Just make sure that whatever you choose, it fits into the schedule, and you can justify it.


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