> > On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Jannis Leidel <lei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Then, frankly, this is a problem of the storage backends, not Django's.
> The S3BotoStorage backend *does* have a modified_time method:
> https://bitbucket.org/david/django-storages/src/1574890d87be/storages/backends/s3boto.py#cl-298
> What storage backend do you use that doesn't have a modified_time method?

I don't think you're seeing the problem I'm having. I'm working with a
distributed team using git. This means when we check out files, the local
modified time is the time at which I checked the files out, not the time
which the files were actually last modified.

As a result, it's a questionable metric for figuring out if a file is the
same or not, since every team member's local machine thinks they were all
just created! We end up re-uploading the file every time.

> This is a bit confusing...why call it last_modified when that's doesn't
> necessarily reflect what it's doing? It would be more flexible to create
> two methods:
> It's called modified_time, not last_modified.

Sorry, typo.

> > def modification_identifier(self):
> >
> > def has_changed(self):
> >
> > Then, any backend could implement these however they might like, and
> collectstatic would have no excuse in uploading the same file more than
> once. Overloading last_modified to also do things like calculate md5's
> seems a bit hacky to me, and confusing for any developer maintaining a
> custom storage backend that doesn't support last modified.
> I disagree, modified_time is perfectly capable of handling your use case.

No it does not address my needs, as I described above.


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