On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <ja...@jacobian.org> wrote:
> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:38 AM, Satinderpal Singh
> <satinder.goray...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I wish to be a part of GSoC, and i have a plan to improve some
>> features of forms of the Django, like adding different formats such as
>> tables with different layouts. Also some improvements in the default
>> form settings in the Django, like adding the features of dynamic form
>> to add rows and columns in the forms.
> Well, you've got about 48 hours to get your proposal in. It's not a
> lot of time, especially because you need to post it *here* before
> putting into Melange (the GSoC system), but if you get started this
> moment you may still have a shot.
> If you'd like a serious chance at getting accepted, please:
> * Read our student guidlines, at
> https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/SummerOfCode2013#Students.
> * Write a proposal that follows those guidelines. If you want to see
> examples of some good proposals, look at the threads here started by
> Michal Petrucha
> (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/django-developers/e0-rOIkrXaQ/w5aiW_R6aFYJ)
> and Christopher Medrela
> (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/django-developers/e0-rOIkrXaQ/w5aiW_R6aFYJ);
> both are well-written, solid proposals that show what we expect to see
> from students.
> * Show that you understand the problem space. For your particular
> project, there's quite a history here. Forms were the subject of a
> previous Summer of Code project which failed. You need to demonstrate
> that you understand why the past project failed and show that you have
> a plan to succeed this time. There's also quite a few third-party
> forms libraries that address the concerns you have; you should show
> that you are aware of these projects or at least plan to spend some of
> your project time researching.
> * Submit your proposal here. Once you have a proposal, you need to
> post it here for comment before submitting it to Melange.
> Realistically, to stand a chance of being accepted you need to have
> your proposal posted here in the next 24 hours. If you get your
> proposal posted on this list within 24 hours I'll commit to giving you
> feedback in time to revise your proposal before the submission
> deadline.
> * Get your revised proposal in before the deadline.

Thanks for the reply, i will be here with a proposal in a short time.

> Good luck,
> Jacob
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Satinderpal Singh

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