I'd like to describe how we've solved the per-package settings issue at our 

Here's a little source code example:

Every Python package defines a module with a Config instance and then sets 
default settings on it.

Instead of defining settings as global variables in a module you import all 
packages' config instances and set custom settings.

Settings which require imports can be configured by using set_lazy() and 
passing lambdas/functions which do those imports on-demand. The lazy 
function's return value is cached.

There's also a sandbox mechanism where you can do:
with config:
    # all code will now think we're in debug mode
# and here we're back to the previous setting

Sandboxing can be useful for unit tests.

Anyway, please take a look at the code example in the link above.

If you need more fine-grained control, you can of course also attach config 
instances to individual objects instead of packages.

So, what do you think?

Waldemar Kornewald

On Sunday, February 16, 2014 11:55:24 AM UTC+1, Aymeric Augustin wrote:
> Hi Schuyler,
> On 14 févr. 2014, at 15:18, Schuyler Duveen <schuy...@gmail.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> TLDR: Django modules should work as libraries (e.g. ORM, mail, etc). 
>  "from django.conf import settings" bootstrap undermines this.
> My use-case is Django's awesome (yes, I know opinions differ), 
> simple-to-use ORM.
> For the ORM, settings aren't the primary concern. The biggest problem is 
> setting up relations between models. This needs to be done at some point 
> before you start using models.
> Before Django 1.7, the app cache took care of that at some ill-specified 
> and project-dependant point. During the app-loading refactor, we recognized 
> that such an important step couldn’t be left to chance and we introduced an 
> explicit bootstrap, `django.setup()`.
> Given the current implementation of `django.setup()`, it seems possible to 
> inject the settings there in another form that a Python module, if that’s 
> what you’re after. See 
> https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/__init__.py#L11-L21.
> It seems to me that you haven’t attacked the right problem for what you’re 
> describing as your primary use case. (That’s why I’ve been asking for a 
> mailing-list discussion since September.)
> Besides, you need a plan to replace `django.setup()`.
> For the first trial at this approach, we tried out utils.timezone:
> https://github.com/SlashRoot/django/blob/33c49245032115cf3fd6534d5a55313435419ffb/django/utils/timezone.py#L302
> and it seemed to have worked, so we moved on to django.core.mail, and 
> other modules.
> All the discourse around unsettings is based on the assumption that it’s 
> an incremental improvement that may provide some other benefits in the 
> future.
> However, the current results aren’t looking so good to me:
> - The new APIs are weird: functions end up with additional keywords 
> arguments purely based on their implementation. This isn’t a good way to 
> design and API. (I assume that the goal of unsettings is to make these APIs 
> public.)
> - It makes the code more complex: every contributor to Django will have to 
> learn a new way to inject settings into functions. In order to keep the 
> barrier to contributing to Django low, I’m not fond of such idiosyncrasies.
> Also, benefits still look quite hypothetical, if not theoretical. I’m 
> worried about beginning a path without a convincing explanation of why it 
> isn’t a dead-end. In the past, we’ve hit dead-ends on projects much better 
> planned that this one, eg. mitsuhiko’s “template compilation” GSoC.
> That makes me -1 on the concept for now. I don’t believe it beats the 
> status quo. To change my vote, I would need:
> - a description of how you plan to deal with django.setup() — it seems 
> more complicated than dealing with settings;
> - an explanation of what comes after we replace every “settings.FOO” with 
> “@unsettings(FOO=…)”;
> - some thoughts of why we’re comfortable maintaining the resulting public 
> APIs in the long term.
> I have much more to say but I’ve tried to summarize my thoughts in this 
> email. I hope this helps.
> -- 
> Aymeric.

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