On February 25, 2014 9:43:49 AM AEDT, Christopher Medrela 
<chris.medr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I've made some benchmarks. The results are:
>jinja2 empty for  0.028 s
>jinja2 include    1.094 s
>django empty for  0.435 s
>django include    2.134 s
>Where "empty for" is an empty loop repeated 50 times:
>    {% for i in range_ %} {% endfor %}
>And include is a similar template where the loop body includes another 
>(which is empty) inside for loop:
>    {% for i in range_ %}{% include "i" %}{% endfor %}
>The full code is available here: http://pastebin.com/DWjE1axV
>Note that including is only 1.5x faster in Jinja2 compared to Django.
>Surprisingly, the main speedup is in executing for loop (19x), not it's
>On Friday, February 21, 2014 11:07:30 PM UTC+1, Kevin Christopher Henry
>> Hi Christopher,
>>>  ... checks the template extension and dispatch to
>>>  corresponding function from `django.dtl` or `jinja2`.
>> The mechanism for distinguishing the two kinds of template needs to
>> more flexible. For example, let's say I want to override a
>> template with my own Jinja template. In that case I need to use the
>> name (.html and all), but I want it to be processed by Jinja. The way
>> django-jinja solves this is with a setting that provides a regular 
>> expression to determine which template names get processed by Jinja.
>> may not be the best way (I can imagine that regular expression
>> hairy with a lot of "or" clauses), but just looking at file
>> isn't enough.
>Unfortunately, you're right. So I will follow Aymeric Augustin's idea:
>beginning of every template there will be "{# syntax: django #}" or "{#
>jinja2 #}". If the template lacks such declaration, django template is 
>I don't have a comment on the merits of your approach to inheriting
>> DTL templates, but personally this is not something I've ever needed
>to do. 
>> I'm sure there are use cases for this, that's just my experience.
>> By contrast, something that I very often want to do is use
>> Django template tags in my Jinja2 templates. Right now there's just
>no way 
>> to do that (that I know of). So, if you're taking requests, please
>> that problem. :-) And if you're forced to prioritize, I think that
>would be 
>> more useful than being able to inherit from DTL templates.
>What kind of support do you except for third-party template tags?
>`cycle` tag is not builtin. Would it be acceptable to write sth like
>    dtl cycle '1' '2' as rows
>It could be quite easily implemented as a Jinja2 extensions. Of course,
>that you'd prefer this style:
>    cycle '1' '2' as rows
>Unfortunately, it cannot be done easily. Each of template tags should
>to a
>new Jinja2 extension. But the list of extensions must be given to 
>constructor and cannot be changed (at least this is what documentation 
>What can we do?
> 1) We can tamper with Jinja2. Maybe it is possible to change list of 
>    after environment creation? I will investigate it.
>2) We need to know all template tags before rendering first template.
>  will be available in all templates. The drawback is that you have no 
>    that you can `load` when desired.
>BTW, what about built-in template tags? Are there any issues?
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Did I miss the link to your benchmark code?
Does it time just rendering, or parsing also?
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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