Tim gave a good overview of the week. I'll focus my response on the MSSQL

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 8:36 PM, Tim Graham <timogra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> * Discussed the long-term roadmap for MSSQL support in Django. I'll let
> Michael speak to the details of this.

I had the opportunity to speak with several engineers that had intimate
knowledge of Microsoft's various SQL Server drivers; past, current, and
future. The ADO based drivers used by django-mssql will not receive any
future love from Microsoft. They don't have plans on removing them from
Windows, but the advice was to use either ODBC or FreeTDS. The fastest and
most feature rich drivers for connecting to SQL Server from Windows are the
ODBC drivers. Microsoft is actively working on updating the ODBC drivers
for Linux and expect them to be released this year. ODBC drivers for Mac
are planned for sometime next year. The next best way of connecting to SQL
Server is to use FreeTDS (without the ODBC interface), which has the
benefit of having drivers available for all OSes right now.

The short-term plan for django-mssql is to get it to pass the Django 1.8
test suite, without making any substantial changes. This will allow any
existing django-mssql users to upgrade to the Django 1.8 LTS. My long term
plan is to switch out ADO for replaceable ODBC and FreeTDS. This may follow
the current pattern Aymeric started when he created django-pymssql, or have
them both in django-mssql. After 1.8 is fully supported, I need to think,
discuss, and investigate more before making a decision.

ODBC seems to be the most performant and best option, but I have concerns
about the current lack of good drivers for Linux and Mac. If Microsoft
follows through with their commitment, then it should be a non-issue, but
I'd rather hedge my bets and ensure an easier time with drivers in the long
run. Supporting both also provides for a good way of comparing the
performance of the underlying drivers.

I plan on evaluating django-mssql, django-pyodbc-azure, and starting from
scratch to see which would be the best route for this new mssql database
backend. There are pros and cons to each. Django-mssql has a lot of legacy
cruft. Django-pyodbc-azure targets Azure SQL Server, which has some subtle
differences with Microsoft's non-cloud version of the database server.
Starting from scratch is potentially more work. Regardless of the decision,
the repo will be hosted on github.

Michael Manfre

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