
Great work.

The only (and minor) concern I have is about allowing function-based middleware 
factories to return None.

In the spirit of “there should be only one way to do it”, I would require 
raising MiddlewareNotUsed explicitly to disable a middleware. A middleware 
factory that returns None would cause an ImproperlyConfigured exception. 
Otherwise middleware could be skipped by mistake, if the developer forgets to 
return the middleware from the factory. This is especially a concern for 
production-only middleware that developers can’t run locally.

It’s easy to imagine scenarios where this would escalate into a security issue. 
For instance, consider a middleware that hooks into a centralized corporate 
authentication system and rejects unauthorized users. It’s common not to have a 
testing version of that kind of infrastructure and for developers not to have 
keys for the production version. Add an incomplete testing strategy that only 
check that authorized users have access…


> On 8 janv. 2016, at 03:50, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Back at the Django Under the Hood sprints in November, Florian and I
> started batting around some ideas for fixing some of the problems with
> the existing middleware abstraction. Florian put together an initial
> pull request with a POC for some of those ideas. I've now updated the
> proposal (incorporating some implementation ideas from Pyramid's
> middleware equivalent) and written it up in the form of a DEP. You can
> find the DEP at
> https://github.com/django/deps/blob/master/draft/0005-rethinking-middleware.rst
> and I'm also pasting the full text below, to ease in-line commenting via
> email.
> Comments welcome!
> ================================
> DEP 0005: Re-thinking middleware
> ================================
> :DEP: 0005
> :Author: Carl Meyer
> :Implementation Team: Florian Apolloner
> :Shepherd: Carl Meyer
> :Status: Draft
> :Type: Feature
> :Created: 2016-01-07
> :Last-Modified: 2016-01-07
> .. contents:: Table of Contents
>   :depth: 3
>   :local:
> Abstract
> ========
> The existing Django "middleware" abstraction suffers from an absence of
> strict layering and balanced in/out calls to a given middleware. This
> DEP proposes an improved abstraction for wrapping the request cycle in
> strictly layered pre-view and post-view actions.
> Motivation
> ==========
> In theory, and per `the documentation`_, ``process_request`` will be
> called for each incoming request, ``process_response`` will be called
> for each outgoing response, and ``process_exception`` will be called in
> case of an uncaught exception.
> This description seems to imply the invariant that if
> ``process_request`` is called, either ``process_response`` or
> ``process_exception`` will later be called on that same middleware in
> that same request cycle. Django itself has in the past included
> middleware (the now-defunct ``TransactionMiddleware``) that implicitly
> relied on this invariant.
> In fact, due to the short-circuiting and exception-handling behavior of
> various middleware methods, this invariant does not hold. It is possible
> for a middleware to have its ``process_request`` method called, but then
> never see its ``process_response`` or ``process_exception`` called for
> that request (e.g. in case of an uncaught exception in a "later"
> middleware method).
> It is also possible for a middleware to never see its
> ``process_request`` method called for a given request (because an
> earlier middleware's ``process_request`` returned a response), but still
> have its ``process_response`` or ``process_exception`` method called on
> that response.
> This lack of strict in/out layering makes it impossible to safely
> implement some types of middleware (such as ``TransactionMiddleware``),
> and requires verbose defensive programming: e.g. even if
> ``process_request`` sets a certain attribute on the request,
> ``process_response`` on that same middleware can't assume that that
> attribute will be present on the request it receives.
> This is the primary problem that this DEP intends to solve.
> .. _the documentation:
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/http/middleware/
> Acknowledgment
> ==============
> The proposed API in this DEP is modelled on Pyramid's `Tween`_ concept
> (the author and implementor of this DEP developed a very similar idea
> independently at a Django sprint before reading about Tweens).
> .. _Tween:
> http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/hooks.html#registering-tweens
> Specification
> =============
> This DEP introduces a new setting, ``MIDDLEWARE``, which contains an
> ordered list of dotted paths to middleware factories.
> A middleware factory can be written as a function that looks like this::
>    def simple_middleware(get_response):
>        # one-time configuration and initialization
>        def middleware(request):
>            # code to be executed for each request before
>            # the view is called
>            response = get_response(request)
>            # code to be executed for each request/response after
>            # the view is called
>            return response
>        return middleware
> Or it can be written as a class with a ``__call__`` method, like this::
>    class SimpleMiddleware(object):
>        def __init__(self, get_response):
>            self.get_response = get_response
>            # one-time configuration and initialization
>        def __call__(self, request):
>            # code to be executed for each request before
>            # the view is called
>            response = self.get_response(request)
>            # code to be executed for each request/response after
>            # the view is called
>            return response
> In prose instead of examples: a middleware factory is a callable that
> takes a ``get_response`` callable and returns a middleware. A middleware
> is a callable that takes a ``request`` and returns a ``response``. (Just
> like a view! Turtles all the way down!)
> The ``get_response`` callable provided by Django might be the actual
> view (if this is the last listed middleware), or it might be the next
> middleware in the chain. The current middleware doesn't need to know or
> care what exactly it is -- just that it represents "upstream", and that
> it also takes a request and returns a response.
> (The above is a slight simplification -- the ``get_response`` callable
> for the last middleware in the chain won't be the actual view, it'll be
> a wrapper method from the handler which takes care of view middleware,
> calling the view with appropriate url args, and template-response
> middleware; see below.)
> Disabling middleware
> --------------------
> A middleware can be disabled at setup time, if it's not needed or not
> supported under the current settings.
> For a class-based middleware, this is achieved the same way as in
> current Django: by raising ``MiddlewareNotUsed`` from the ``__init__``
> method.
> A function middleware factory can either raise ``MiddlewareNotUsed``, or
> can simply return ``None`` instead of a middleware callable.
> View and template-response middleware
> -------------------------------------
> The above examples already encompass the full functionality of
> ``process_request`` (this is the code that goes before the call to
> ``get_response``), ``process_response`` (the code that goes after), and
> ``process_exception`` (just place the call to ``get_response`` within a
> ``try/except`` block). It also allows more powerful idioms, like
> wrapping the call to ``get_response`` in a context manager
> (e.g. ``transaction.atomic``).
> This DEP does not propose to change the implementation of view
> middleware or template-response middleware (since these are really
> single-point hooks, not wrappers, and don't suffer from the same in/out
> balancing issue). A middleware that wishes to implement one or both of
> these hooks should be implemented in the class style, and should
> implement ``process_view`` and/or ``process_template_response`` methods,
> exactly as it would today.
> Changes in short-circuiting semantics
> -------------------------------------
> Under the new scheme, middleware really will behave more like an
> "onion", as described in the documentation. That is, when a middleware
> short-circuits the upstream middleware and view by returning a response,
> that response will only pass through previous middleware in the list,
> rather than passing through the ``process_response`` methods of *all*
> middleware (including some who never got a crack at
> ``process_request``), as occurs today.
> Similarly, a middleware that modifies the request on the way in and does
> pass it on upstream can be guaranteed that it will always see the
> response on the way back out. (If it also wants to see any uncaught
> exception on the way out, it can just wrap its call to ``get_response``
> in a ``try/except``).
> Backwards Compatibility
> =======================
> "New-style" middleware factories cannot inter-operate
> backwards-compatibly in a single mixed list with old-style middlewares,
> because it is not possible to maintain both the "in/out balanced"
> invariant of the new and the existing short-circuiting behaviors of the
> old. This is why a new ``MIDDLEWARE`` setting is introduced to contain
> the new-style middleware factories. If the ``MIDDLEWARE`` setting is
> provided (it will initially be set to ``None`` in the global default
> settings), the old ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` setting will be ignored. If
> ``MIDDLEWARE`` is not set, ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` will behave exactly as
> it does today.
> The implementation of this DEP will include new-style implementations of
> all middlewares included in Django; the current implementations will not
> be removed. The ``startproject`` template will include a ``MIDDLEWARE``
> setting referencing the new-style middleware.
> Transition assistance mixin
> ---------------------------
> In order to ease providing the existing built-in middleware in both
> new-style and old-style forms, and to ease similar conversions of
> third-party middleware, a converter mix-in will be provided, with an
> implementation similar to the following::
>    class MiddlewareConversionMixin(object):
>        def __init__(self, get_response):
>            self.get_response = get_response
>            super(MiddlewareMixin, self).__init__()
>        def __call__(self, request):
>            response = None
>            if hasattr(self, 'process_request'):
>                response = self.process_request(request)
>            if not response:
>                try:
>                    response = self.get_response(request)
>                except Exception as e:
>                    if hasattr(self, 'process_exception'):
>                        return self.process_exception(request, e)
>                    else:
>                        raise
>            if hasattr(self, 'process_response'):
>                response = self.process_response(request, response)
>            return response
> In most cases, this mixin will be sufficient to convert a middleware
> with sufficient backwards-compatibility; the new short-circuiting
> semantics will be harmless or even beneficial to the existing
> middleware. In a few unusual cases, a middleware class may need more
> invasive changes to adjust to the new semantics.
> Deprecation
> -----------
> The fallback from a missing ``MIDDLEWARE`` setting to
> ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` will be subject to a normal deprecation path. At
> the conclusion of that deprecation path, support for the fallback, the
> old-style middleware implementations in Django, and the conversion
> mixin, will be removed.
> Rationale
> =========
> The above specification has the advantage that a very similar scheme is
> already in use and battle-tested in another widely-used Python web
> framework, Pyramid.
> Alternatives considered and rejected:
> Simple functions
> ----------------
> Earlier drafts of this proposal suggested that a middleware could be
> implemented as a simple function that took both ``request`` and
> ``get_response`` directly, rather than as a factory::
>    def simple_middleware(request, get_response):
>        # request-munging
>        response = get_response(request)
>        # response-munging
>        return response
> This approach turned out to have two disadvantages: it was less
> backwards-compatible, because it's not compatible with class-based
> middleware (when would a class be instantiated?), and it would be
> slower, since it requires Django to construct a new chain of closures
> for every request, whereas the factory approach allows the closure chain
> to be constructed just once and reused for each request.
> Using generators
> ----------------
> It would be possible to eliminate the need to pass in a ``get_response``
> callable by turning middleware into generators which would ``yield`` the
> request, and then Django would call ``.send(response)`` on the generator
> object to pass back in the response. In that case a middleware body
> might look like this::
>    def simple_middleware(request):
>        # request-munging
>        response = yield request
>        # response-munging
>        return response
> This is clever; probably too clever. In the end it doesn't provide any
> useful benefits over the approach proposed above and takes advantage of
> Python features that are unfamiliar to many developers (generators that
> receive values).
> Reference Implementation
> ========================
> The reference implementation work-in-progress (which as of this writing
> doesn't yet implement the proposal described here, but rather an earlier
> iteration) can be found at
> https://github.com/django/django/pull/5591/files
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain per the Creative
> Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license
> (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed).
> -- 
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