Haven't tried that! I don't _think_ that'll work.. but worth a shot (I 
don't think they only cache the handler.. I think they cache the whole 
environment). Will report back! And as you're mentioning, we really 
shouldn't be doing it every request, so if there were even a way to cache 
that manually rather than calculate it every time, that'd be just as 

There is no "zappa forum" - it's just me and a few other contributors in a 
Slack channel! And all of this stuff is super new, and I'm sure that you 
guys know a lot more about the Django internals than I do, so all 
suggestions are welcome!


On Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 12:57:28 AM UTC+1, Cristiano Coelho wrote:
> Sorry if this looks like a retarded question, but have you tried the setup 
> calls to the top of the lambda_handler module? I'm not sure why you need 
> the settings data as an argument to the lambda handler, but if you find a 
> way to move those 4 lines near setup(), you will only load the whole django 
> machinery once (or until AWS decides to kill your instance). I have a wild 
> guess that this is related to the way you have implemented the "publish to 
> aws" process. But the main issue here is that you are calling setup() on 
> every request, where you really shouldn't be doing that, but rather do it 
> at module level.
> I'm sorry if this goes away too far from the actual thread, since this 
> looks more like a response to a zappa forum :)
> El lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016, 19:34:16 (UTC-3), Rich Jones escribió:
>> For those who are still following along, these are the lines in question:
>> https://github.com/Miserlou/django-zappa/blob/master/django_zappa/handler.py#L31
>> https://github.com/Miserlou/django-zappa/blob/master/django_zappa/handler.py#L68
>> It's very possible there are ways of significantly improving this. 
>> Suggestions always welcome!
>> R
>> On Monday, February 29, 2016 at 11:26:17 PM UTC+1, Rich Jones wrote:
>>> Hey all!
>>> Let me clarify a few of the terms here and describe a bit how Django 
>>> operates in this context.
>>> "Serverless" in this contexts means "without any permanent 
>>> infrastructure". The server is created _after_ the request comes in, and it 
>>> dies once the response is returned. The means that we never have to worry 
>>> about server operations or horizontal scalability, and we pay far, far far 
>>> less of a cost, as we only pay for server time by the millisecond. It's 
>>> also radically easier to deploy - a single 'python manage.py deploy 
>>> production' gives you an infinitely scalable, zero-maintenance  app. 
>>> Basically, Zappa is what comes after Heroku.
>>> To do this, we use two services - Amazon Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
>>> The first, AWS Lamdba - allows us to define any arbitrary function, 
>>> which Amazon will then cache to memory and execute in response to any AWS 
>>> system event (S3 uploads, Emails, SQS events, etc.) This was designed for 
>>> small functions, but I've been able to squeeze all of Django into it.
>>> The other piece, API Gateway, allows us to turn HTTP requests into AWS 
>>> events - in this case our Lambda context. This requires using a nasty 
>>> language called 'VTL', but you don't need to worry about this.
>>> Zappa converts this API Gateway request into a 'normal' Python WSGI 
>>> request, feeds it to Django, gets the response back, and performs some 
>>> magic on it that lets it get back out through API Gateway.
>>> You can see my slides about this here: 
>>> http://jsbin.com/movecayuba/1/edit?output
>>> and a screencast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plUrbPN0xc8
>>> Now, this comes with a cost, but that's the trade off. The flip side is 
>>> that it also means we need to call Django's 'setup()' method every time. 
>>> All of this currently takes about ~150ms - the majority of which is spent 
>>> setting up the apps. If we could do that in parallel, this would greatly 
>>> increase the performance of every django-zappa request. Make sense?
>>> *We also have a Slack channel <https://slackautoinviter.herokuapp.com/> 
>>> where we are working on this if you want to come by! *R

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